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Drag and Drop Issue
I'm working on Angular@12 and [email protected]
I face one issue when drag and drop new task, when week view selected and drop new task at last week day then new task not plot exact drop time (position) instead plot few hours early.
also plot working fine starting week days, when you drop new task incremental day then it plot few hours ago and increase plot hours.
please check below example
Thanks in advance
I face one issue when drag and drop new task, when week view selected and drop new task at last week day then new task not plot exact drop time (position) instead plot few hours early.
I can verify there is a bug here, thanks for reporting.
also plot working fine starting week days, when you drop new task incremental day then it plot few hours ago and increase plot hours.
Can you elaborate more? What do you mean by incremental day and plot here? Increase plot hours? Does the gantt date range get changed?
thanks @ANovokmet for quick reply
when week view selected and you drop new task week first day (SUN) then it looks drop and plot time all most same when drop new task week second day (Mon) then drop and plot time differ, when drop new task next day and continue the time different between drop and plot increase.
This should be fixed with version 4.0.2-beta
now on npm
thanks @ANovokmet
I'm working on Angular@12 and upgrade [email protected]
one issue generated when build angular project then below error occur
node_modules/svelte-gantt/types/modules/table/tableHeader.ts file need to replace import from "src/core/row" with "../../core/row"
thanks again @ANovokmet
Also, when upgrade [email protected] version, there is one issue found as below
when day or week view selected at that time hour header not start with 0
before upgrade [email protected] version it's look as below image
look into into example
Also, when upgrade [email protected] version, there is one issue found as below
when day or week view selected at that time hour header not start with 0
before upgrade [email protected] version it's look as below image
look into into example
Thanks for noticing the issue. I'll try to fix it.
Issues fixed in 4.0.3-beta
. Thanks.
Thanks @ANovokmet
after upgrade [email protected] version
Drag and Drop Issue Resolve Build Issue Resolve But below issue not resolve
when day or week view selected at that time hour header not start with 0
before upgrade [email protected] version it's look as below image
look into into example
only header hours display wrong, it show based on time zone. I use moment. dateAdapter: new MomentSvelteGanttDateAdapter(moment),
Thanks again @ANovokmet
Which time zone are you in?
IST (India Standard Time)
Thanks, there are some issues with timezones since dropping moment. Will have to take them into account when calculating the hours.
Hello @ANovokmet
Any update regarding time zones issue,
@nitish-darji sorry, working on it now
I've experienced this issue on the new versions v4.0.7-beta/v4.0.9-beta
. Is there any update?
Thanks in advance!
Please, having the same issue here. Any workarouds?
Can you describe your problem in details ? And which timezone ? Thanks
Hi. Thanks for your attention.
Timezone -3 (pt-BR)
In the example below, I've dragged a task that was set on the gant beggining at 2022-10-17 and ending at 2022-10-19.
I have:
columnUnit: 'day',
columnOffset: 1,
magnetUnit: 'day',
magnetOffset: 1,
So at the gantt, the task seems to start at 00:00hs of 2022-10-17 until 23:59 of 2022-10-19.
But as I drag it one day back, to 2022-10-16, this is what I got:
this.gantt.api.tasks.on.changed(async ([ev]) => {
// ev.task.model=> from: 1665964800000, to: 1666224000000
// Cast do date:
// new Date(ev.task.model.from).toISOString() => '2022-10-17T00:00:00.000Z'
// new Date(ev.task.model.from).toDateString() => 'Sun Oct 16 2022' (timestamp here is '21:00:00 GMT-0300'
// I've lost the timezone here
// And look whats happening with
// Cast do date:
// new Date( => '2022-10-20T00:00:00.000Z'
// new Date(ev.task.model.from).toDateString() => 'Wed Oct 19 2022' (timestamp here is '21:00:00 GMT-0300'
if (ev) {
let i = new Date(ev.task.model.from)
, f =new Date(
// Have to force things here
i.setHours(0, 0, 0);
f.setHours(23, 23, 59);
f.setDate(f.getDate() - 1);
this.data_to_server = {
id :,
inicio : i.toISOString(),
fim : f.toISOString(),
to_id : !== ? : undefined
this.touched = true;
this.force_event = true;
await this.checkCompEvents();
this.rodou_comp_event = false;
Hope the details help.
My gantt config:
this.gantt = new SvelteGantt({
target: this.$refs.gantt.$el,
props: {
dateAdapter: new MomentSvelteGanttDateAdapter(moment),
from: this.inicio,
rows: rows,
tasks: tasks,
dependences: dependences,
timeRanges: ranges,
reflectOnParentRows: false,
reflectOnChildRows: false,
highlightWeekends: false,
zoomLevels: [],
columnUnit: 'day',
columnOffset: 1,
magnetUnit: 'day',
magnetOffset: 1,
rowHeight: 28,
rowPadding: 2,
fitWidth: true,
minWidth: 2000,
tableWidth: this.header_width,
tableHeaders: headers,
headers: [{ unit: 'day', format: 'MMMM YYYY', offset: 7 }, { unit: 'day', format: ' DD ddd' }],
ganttTableModules: [SvelteGanttTable],
ganttBodyModules: [SvelteGanttDependencies]
@labs20 Thank you, seems the tasks are rounded to the UTC date, instead of the local one. I am using your exact configuration, and when droppings tasks they last from 02:00-02:00 instead of 00:00-00:00. I issued a fix when using moment. It will need fixing for when using the default adapter, possibly leveraging Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset