elevation_mapping copied to clipboard
No elevation map generated with D455
Hi, I am trying to generate elevation map using D455 depth camera but nothing is displayed in Rviz. I ran
roslaunch elevation_mapping_demos ground_truth_demo.launch
and my conifg file is as follows:
`input_sources: camera: # A name to identify the input source type: pointcloud # Supported types: pointcloud topic: /camera/depth/color/points # your topic queue_size: 5 publish_on_update: true sensor_processor: ignore_points_above: .inf ignore_points_below: -.inf cutoff_min_depth: 0.1 cutoff_max_depth: 1.5 type: perfect normal_factor_a: 0.001063 normal_factor_b: 0.003949 normal_factor_c: 0.0 normal_factor_d: 0.0008278 normal_factor_e: 1 lateral_factor: 0.01576 # approx 1 deg map_frame_id: "map" robot_base_frame_id: "map" robot_pose_with_covariance_topic: "" track_point_frame_id: "map" track_point_x: 0.0 track_point_y: 0.0 track_point_z: 0.0 min_update_rate: 2.0 time_tolerance: 1.0 time_offset_for_point_cloud: 0.0 sensor_processor/ignore_points_above: 0.4 robot_motion_map_update/covariance_scale: 0.01
length_in_x: 30.0 length_in_y: 30.0 position_x: 0.0 position_y: 0.0 resolution: 0.1 min_variance: 0.0001 max_variance: 0.05 mahalanobis_distance_threshold: 2.5 multi_height_noise: 0.001 surface_normal_positive_axis: z fused_map_publishing_rate: 0.5 enable_visibility_cleanup: false visibility_cleanup_rate: 1.0 scanning_duration: 1.0`
Terminal OutputL:
rqt_graph is as follows:
I'm not sure where exactly I'm going wrong. Thank You