is-04 copied to clipboard
Does uDNS only configuration over-ride requirement for a v1.2 Node to make mDNS announcements?
It appears that a node can be set to unicast or multicast only service discovery: "‘Peer to Peer’ mode only supports multicast operation. Nodes may optionally be configured to support just one of unicast or multicast service discovery"
However, if a node advertises a v1.2 Node API, support for P2P mode is mandatory: The following pre-requisites are mandatory [...] to permit peer to peer discovery:
- All Nodes advertise their presence via mDNS at all times
- In the absence of a network registry, all Nodes additionally advertise a series of mDNS TXT records
So in the case of a node running in uDNS only mode and being registered under v1.2 of a registration API, does it still need to send mDNS announcements? Similarly, if running in P2P mode, should the node monitor for registry APIs over uDNS as well as mDNS?
Architecture Review Group review: place on backlog
This issue was resolved in version 1.3 of the API, by making Node mDNS announces optional.
As I understood it, the OP is pointing out that if a Node supports both v1.3 AND v1.2 it's not clear if mDNS is still optional. Is v1.3 clear on this?