OFMetadataToStash copied to clipboard
{Question/Feature} about Metadata Match Mode
I am seeing it bases it off the file size (which may be why I had this issue https://github.com/ALonelyJuicebox/OFMetadataToStash/issues/30 )
I have all my videos converted to HEVC via Tdarr. is that why the files are matching correctly for the photos but not videos?
Ahh...that would do it. I'll come up with a way of accounting for that in the next release. In fact, if you're desperate for an immediate fix, set scan specificity mode to "high" and change line 875 in the script to the code below. Scan mode "high" will ask the script to match on the base filename, and the modified code below removes the filesize search that it normally does.
querySQL(sql: "SELECT folders.path, files.basename, files.size, files.id AS files_id, folders.id AS folders_id, scenes.id AS scenes_id, scenes.title AS scenes_title, scenes.details AS scenes_details FROM files JOIN folders ON files.parent_folder_id=folders.id JOIN scenes_files ON files.id = scenes_files.file_id JOIN scenes ON scenes.id = scenes_files.scene_id WHERE files.basename ='''+$OFDBfilenameForQuery+''") {