AcrylicEverywhere copied to clipboard
Upstream implementation of the DWMBlurGlass custom blur method.
The repository is no longer maintained and I will continue my work on OpenGlass.
Upstream implementation of the DWMBlurGlass custom blur method.
In theory, the custom blur method is supported as low as Windows 10 1607, but it requires a lot of work, and the current code for the project supports as low as Windows 10 2004.
The name is a bit inaccurate, it should be called TranslucentEverywhere
. At first I was only going to implement Acrylic backdrop effect, but based on Maplespe's request, I added more backdrop effects, such as Aero, Mica, Blur, GlassReflection, etc.
This project is not directly usable for production purposes, but you can easily develop it.
- Fix glass reflection abnormal offset
- Optimize aero effect recipe to make it more accurate
- Optimize animated real-time blur backdrop in Windows 11 (not quite important)
- Optimize program compatibility
Dependencies and References
Microsoft Research Detours Package
Detours is a software package for monitoring and instrumenting API calls on Windows.
VC-LTL - An elegant way to compile lighter binaries.
VC-LTL is an open source CRT library based on the MS VCRT that reduce program binary size and say goodbye to Microsoft runtime DLLs, such as msvcr120.dll, api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll and other dependencies.
Windows Implementation Libraries (WIL)
The Windows Implementation Libraries (WIL) is a header-only C++ library created to make life easier for developers on Windows through readable type-safe C++ interfaces for common Windows coding patterns.
Interop Compositor
Saved me some decompiling and reverse engineering time thanks to ADeltaX's blog!
Win2D sucks!