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gen_hard_example出错:Key fc1/alphas not found in checkpoint
@AITTSMD 您好,感谢您的开源工作。 想通过您的工作熟悉一下MTCNN的训练过程,我已经按照您的指引以默认配置完成了PNet的训练,接下来是按照【After training PNet, run gen_hard_example to generate training data(Face Detection Part) for RNet.】的指引,运行gen_hard_example脚本生成RNet的训练数据,但是总是出错,在加载预训练模型RNet-14的model时出错: ../data/MTCNN_model/RNet_landmark/RNet-14 restore models' param 2017-11-01 16:41:20.483995: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Not found: Key fc1/alphas not found in checkpoint 2017-11-01 16:41:20.484165: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Not found: Key fc1/alphas not found in checkpoint 请教该如何解决?
@ddxu 您好,注意检查您的tensorflow的版本,我用的是1.2.1
使用的版本的是1.3.0 遇到了同样的问题,看来只能降版本了
@ddxu it should be solved by:
按照楼上的去掉最后那个参数 #fc1 = slim.fully_connected(fc_flatten, num_outputs=256,scope="fc1", activation_fn=prelu) 改成 fc1 = slim.fully_connected(fc_flatten, num_outputs=256,scope="fc1")就可以了!
@ilyanelken Hi, can you specify where you find the original author needs some "special" relu act function for Rnet and Onet? I check the paper and author's code?
@ilyanelken and I think that prelu act function is already as default in the arg scope.
@flankechen Hi, you can see the original code that was written by the author's: There is PReLU. The arg scope is valid for conv2d ops only and not fully_connected
what are you talking about? I faced the same problem, anyone who knows the solution?please give a hand
I faced the same problem. I solve it through set test_model to 'PNet', because I only have PNet after training PNet.
python ./ --test_mode=PNet
@ddxu it should be solved by: 519b453
@ilyanelken do we need to regularize the parameters in fully connected layers?