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[ICLR24] CinDM uses compositional generative models to design boundaries and initial states significantly more complex than the ones seen in training for physical simulation

CinDM: Compositional Generative Inverse Design (ICLR 2024 spotlight)

Paper | arXiv | Poster | Tweet

Official repo for the paper Compositional Generative Inverse Design.
Tailin Wu*, Takashi Maruyama*, Long Wei*, Tao Zhang*, Yilun Du*, Gianluca Iaccarino, Jure Leskovec
ICLR 2024 spotlight.

We propose a novel formulation for inverse design as an energy optimization problem and introduce Compositional Inverse Design with Diffusion Models method(CinDM) to enable us to generalize to out-of-distribution and more complex design inputs than seen in training, which outperforms the existing works in n-body and 2D airfoil design.

Framework of CinDM:

Visualization of generation process for airfoil design:

Example generated trajectories and the airfoil boundary:


  1. Install dependencies.

First, create a new environment using conda (with python >= 3.7). Then install pytorch, torch-geometric and other dependencies as follows (the repository is run with the following dependencies. Other version of torch-geometric or deepsnap may work but there is no guarentee.)

Install pytorch (replace "cu113" with appropriate cuda version. For example, cuda11.1 will use "cu111"):

pip install torch==1.10.2+cu113 torchvision==0.11.3+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.2+cu113 -f

Install torch-geometric. Run the following commands:

pip install torch-scatter==2.0.9 -f
pip install torch-sparse==0.6.12 -f
pip install torch-geometric==1.7.2
pip install torch-cluster==1.5.9 -f

Install other dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If wanting to use wandb (--wandb=True), need to set up wandb, following this link.

If wanting to run 2d mesh-based simulation, FEniCS needs to be installed:

conda install -c conda-forge fenics

Dataset and checkpoint

All the dataset can be downloaded in this this link. Checkpoints are in this link. Both and should be decompressed to the root directory of this project.


Below we provide example commands for training the diffusion model/forward model.

training model for N-body inverse design

An example command for training 2-body diffusion model conditioned on 0 steps to rollout 24 steps is as follows, more training setting details are in

python train/  --date_time '2023-11-20' --dataset 'nbody-2' --model_type "temporal-unet1d" --conditioned_steps 0 --rollout_steps 24 --train_num_steps 1000000 --save_and_sample_every 10000 --method_type "Diffusion"  --Unet_dim 64

training model for 2D airfoils inverse design

python traing/ --results_folder "./checkpoint_path/diffusion_2d/"

training baselines

To run experiment with FNO baseline, run:

python3 train/ --exp_id=naca_ellipse --date_time=2023-11-14 --dataset=naca_ellipse_lepde --n_train=-1 --time_interval=4 --save_interval=5 --algo=fno-m20-w32 --no_latent_evo=False --encoder_type=cnn-s --input_steps=4 --evolution_type=mlp-3-silu-3-silu-2 --decoder_type=cnn-tr --encoder_n_linear_layers=0 --n_conv_blocks=4 --n_latent_levs=1 --n_conv_layers_latent=3 --channel_mode=exp-16 --is_latent_flatten=True --evo_groups=1 --recons_coef=1 --consistency_coef=1 --contrastive_rel_coef=0 --hinge=0 --density_coef=0.001 --latent_noise_amp=1e-4 --normalization_type=gn --latent_size=32 --kernel_size=4 --stride=2 --padding=1 --padding_mode=zeros --act_name=silu --multi_step=1^2:0.1^3:0.1^4:0.1 --latent_multi_step=1^2^3^4 --use_grads=False --use_pos=False --is_y_diff=False --loss_type=mse --loss_type_consistency=mse --batch_size=64 --val_batch_size=64 --epochs=100 --opt=adam --weight_decay=0 --seed=0 --id=0 --verbose=1 --save_iterations=-1 --latent_loss_normalize_mode=targetindi --n_workers=20 --is_unittest=False --output_padding_str=0-1-1-0 --static_latent_size=32 --gpuid=3 --n_workers=24 --is_timing=0 --test_interval=1
python3 train/ --exp_id=naca_ellipse --date_time=2023-11-19 --dataset=naca_ellipse_lepde --n_train=-1 --time_interval=4 --save_interval=5 --algo=contrast --no_latent_evo=False --encoder_type=cnn-s --input_steps=4 --evolution_type=mlp-5-silu-5-silu-3 --decoder_type=cnn-tr --encoder_n_linear_layers=0 --n_conv_blocks=4 --n_latent_levs=1 --n_conv_layers_latent=3 --channel_mode=exp-16 --is_latent_flatten=True --evo_groups=1 --recons_coef=1 --consistency_coef=1 --contrastive_rel_coef=0 --hinge=0 --density_coef=0.001 --latent_noise_amp=1e-4 --normalization_type=gn --latent_size=160 --kernel_size=4 --stride=2 --padding=1 --padding_mode=zeros --act_name=silu --multi_step=1^2:0.1^3:0.1^4:0.1 --latent_multi_step=1^2^3^4 --use_grads=False --use_pos=False --is_y_diff=False --loss_type=mse --loss_type_consistency=mse --batch_size=64 --val_batch_size=64 --epochs=100 --opt=adam --weight_decay=0 --seed=0 --id=0 --verbose=1 --save_iterations=400 --latent_loss_normalize_mode=targetindi --n_workers=16 --is_unittest=False --output_padding_str=0-1-1-0 --static_encoder_type="cnn-s" --static_latent_size=32 --gpuid=2 --n_workers=30 --is_timing=0 --test_interval=1 --load_dirname "naca_ellipse_2023-11-14/" --load_filename "naca_ellipse_lepde_train_-1_algo_contrast_enc_cnn-s_evo_cnn_act_silu_hid_160_lo_mse_recef_1.0_conef_1.0_nconv_4_nlat_1_clat_3_nl_False_lf_True_reg_None_gpu:4_id_0_Hash_yAlVxifp_whdeng.p"

Inverse design

Here we provide commands for inverse design using the trained diffusion/forward model:

N-body inverse design

Inverse design N-body CinDM:

Trained with 2-body 24 steps, at inference, we can generalize diffusion to 8 bodies and 44 steps. More design setteing are in

python inference/ --exp_id=new-standard-noise_sum --date_time=11-20 --n_composed=0 --compose_n_bodies=2 --design_coef="0.4" --consistency_coef="0.1" --design_guidance="standard-recurrence-10" --val_batch_size=50 --model_name="Diffusion_cond-0_rollout-24_bodies-2_more_collision" --sample_steps=1000 --compose_mode=mean-inside --design_fn_mode=L2 --initialization_mode 0

Inverse design N-body baseline:

backprop with U-Net

python inference/ --date_time "2023-11-20_1d_baseline_Unet_NA" --method_type "Unet"  --design_method "backprop"  --max_design_steps 1000 --coef 1 --gamma 2 --coef_max_noise 0  --coef_grad 1 --n_composed 1 --L_bnd False --checkpoint_path "/inverse_design/checkpoint_path/"

CEM with U-Net

python inference/ --date_time "2023-11-20_CEM_Unet" --method_type "Unet"  --design_method "CEM" --max_design_steps 1000 --coef 1 --gamma 2 --coef_max_noise 0 --n_composed 1 --N 1000 --Ne 100 --checkpoint_path "/project/inverse_design/checkpoint_path/"

More inverse design setting details for N-body baseline in

2D airfoil inverse design

Inverse design with CinDM

python inference/ --ForceNet_path "checkpoint_path/force_surrogate_model.pth" --diffusion_model_path "checkpoint_path/diffusion_2d/"

Inverse design with baselines

To perform inverse design with diffusion models, use python Example for two airfoils design with CEM using FNO:

python inference/baseline/

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If you find our work and/or our code useful, please cite us via:

  title={Compositional Generative Inverse  Design},
  author={Tailin Wu and Takashi Maruyama and Long Wei and Tao Zhang and Yilun Du and Gianluca Iaccarino and Jure Leskovec},
  booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},