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StockTradingEnv.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'config'
I means the FinRL/finrl/agents/elegantrl/ has been outdate.
initialize the env using env_config is not right at this moment.
env-stocktrading environment has been updated quickly and only stable-baseline3 agent is working fine right now.
And another issue is there are some dupilicated codes in preprocessor and data_processors (for example proceesor_yahoofinance and yahoodownloader + preprocessor) and only the latter one is working fine in env-stocktrading environment. Hope these code will get an overhaul soon. Thank you!
elegantRL needs this parameters to init, while stocktradingenv cannot provide these arguments, thus resulting some errors.
for the record, rllib has the same issue.
a suggestion is to check the importing function. You should import the environment instead of, since the env class defined in the former file has the 'config' attribute.
Yeah, i have tried that. But I encounter other errors regarding to elegantRL. (haven't tried rllib before :)