FinRL copied to clipboard
When I installed finrl-meta, there were a lot of version conflicts that I tried to resolve, but nothing worked
I install it locally by git clone finrl-meta, then upload the FinRL-Meta
to ubuntu and pip install./FinRL-Meta
I did this because the server could not connect to the external network.
And I try to install it though pip install finrl-meta
,but it thow a error
So how do I install finrl-meta?
pls use git clone, and move the codes to your local folder
I have used git-clone, but pip install throws the same error. Is there any version specification for python or other libraries for finrl? I am using python version 3.11.5
Hello @PSrishti I had the same issue, I solved it using these steps:
- Create a new environment on Anaconda for python 3.10.13
- Activate the environment and install the libs as follow ( make sure your are installing the stuff in the right environment)
I am running it on apple silicon, thus I am using brew, you should adapt it to your OS.

brew install cmake openmpi
brew install swig
pip install box2d-py
pip install box2d
pip install Box2D
pip install box2d box2d-kengz
- Install FinRL directly from the git repository, you can also fork it or download it.
pip install git+
I am also using the Jupyter-lab environment, i had to downgrade it to the version 3.6.3 in order to be compatible.
If you are using Jupyter-lab I recommend the use of conda kernels, so you can make sure that your notebook is running in the right environment.
The installation is something like:
conda install nb_conda_kernels
So, this is how I solved the issue with the version compatibility , hope it can help you, lemme know.