FinRL copied to clipboard
EvaluatorProc.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'args'
Hi All,
I'm trying to train an agent from ElegantRL in StockTradingEnv on Windows11 using Jupiterlab. I'm using the codes from 'FinRL: Compare ElegantRL, RLlib, and Stablebaselines3'.
When arriving at running the 'train' function I get the following error: EvaluatorProc.init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'args'.
I believe in the current Finrl/finrl/agents/elegantrl/'' file contains references to 'Arguments', 'init_agent', and 'train_and_evaluate' from elegantrl.train. It seems to me that the corresponding new names are 'Config', 'Worker', and 'EvaluatorProc', respectively. I made these name changes in my file (I got errors with the previous names).
However, when running the 'train' function after making these changes the above mentioned error pops up related to the EvaluatorProc. I tried to find out how to fix this and tried several versions, but I haven't managed to figure out how to make it run.
I'm not sure if anybody else has had similar issues.
Could you please help me with this?
Thank you!