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A d3 powered customizable and animated atomic bohr model


This d3 powered visualization package provides atomic animations which are highly customizable. An example app using this package can be found here:


  • Responsive
  • Built with d3.js in ES6
  • Easily modified nucleus, orbital, and electron radii, color
  • Animated initialization
  • Orbital rotational patterns:
    • linearPositive
    • linearNegative
    • cubedPositive
    • cubedNegative
    • parabolaUp
    • parabolaDown
    • random
    • uniform
  • Orbital patterns can be entirely clockwise, counter-clockwise, or alternating
  • Dynamic "address" system provides distinct ID's for each component of the Atom (Helpful for animation and styling. See: Properties)
  • Wikipedia summary and links provided for each Atom object (See: Properties)
  • Electron configurations provided by


npm install atomic-bohr-model --save


Include this script element in your mark-up:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./node_modules/atomic-bohr-model/dist/atomicBohrModel.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

along with a div to contain your atom.

<div id="bohr-model-container"></div>`

You MUST ensure your div has a width and height

The atoms provided are restricted to those which exist and have been discovered, therefore:

1 <= numElectrons <= 118

(passing anything < 1 or > 118 will result in either Hydrogen or Ununoctium)

At minimum numElectrons, containerId, and a unique idNumber must be provided.

var atomicConfig = {
  containerId: "#bohr-model-container",
  numElectrons: 88,
  idNumber: 1

var myAtom = new Atom(atomicConfig)


var myAtom = new Atom({
  containerId: '#my-container',
  numElectrons: 1, // An integer between 1 and 118
  nucleusRadius: 30, // If not supplied will be 1/12 of the containers width
  nucleusColor: 'rgba(124,240,10,0.5)', // Hex, string or rbga
  electronRadius: 3, // Default value is 3
  electronColor: 'blue', // See nucleusColor
  orbitalSpacing: 10, // If not specified will be a 1/3rd of the nucleusRadius
  orbitalWidth: 1, // width of orbital paths, default is 0.1
  orbitalColor: 'black', // see electronColor
  idNumber: 1, // Required int to provide unique Atoms
  animationTime: 1300, // Time in milliseconds for initial electron animation
  rotateConfig: {speed: 50, clockwise: true}, // Rotates entire Atom with given params
  orbitalRotationConfig: { // Invokes orbital rotations at initialization
    pattern: {
      alternating: false, // Alternate orbital direction
      clockwise: false, // Direction for all orbitals
      preset: 'cubedPositive', // String to set pattern (see Features section)
  symbolOffset: 8, // When modifying nucleus radius this may need adjusting
  drawSymbol: true // Render atomic symbol or not



Removes a given number of electrons


Adds a given number of electrons


Sets the number of electrons

var orbitalRotationConfig = {
  pattern: {
    alternating: true,
    clockwise: false,
    preset: 'parabolaUp',

Rotates orbitals with given configuration


Destroys the <g> element housing the Atom but, NOT the parent <svg>

var rotateConfig = {speed: 50, clockwise: true}

Rotates entire atom with given configuration


// Wikipedia data
// Identifying Atoms and their components
myAtom.atomId // ex: atom-0
var firstOrb = myAtom.orbitals[0] // d3 selection
firstOrb.orbitalId // ex: atom-0-orbital-0
firstOrb.electrons[0].eId // ex: atom-0-oribital-0-electron-0