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Showing effect sizes of paired comparisons
I adapted the code from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dabestr/vignettes/using-dabestr.html to show how the effect size should become much more precise (i.e. the distribution should become much more narrow) when using a paired comparison with my artificial data.
set.seed(54321) # setting the seed to a specific number will result in reproducible random numbers
N = 40
# First, we create a set of vectors of length N=40 and fill them with numbers sampled from a normal distribution using rnorm():
c1 <- rnorm(N, mean = 100, sd = 25) # we will use these numbers as our control group 1
#g1 <- rnorm(N, mean = 120, sd = 25) # we will use these numbers as our experimental group 1
g1 <- c1 + 2 + rnorm(N, mean = 0.1, sd = 0.01)
gender <- c(rep('Male', N/2), rep('Female', N/2))
id <- 1: N
# Here we create a data frame, which includes all vectors (like a table) :
wide_data <-
Control1 = c1,
Group1 = g1,
Gender = gender, ID = id)
# Next we reformat the data, so that the data points are stored as one long column vector and the
# group assignment and the gender is stored in a long column vector as well.
# This is the format we need for using the dabest() function (Note: dabest is an abbreviation for
# Data Analysis with Bootstrap-coupled ESTimation )
my_data <-
wide_data %>%
gather(key = Group, value = Measurement, -ID, -Gender)
two.groups.unpaired <-
dabest(my_data, Group, Measurement,
idx = c("Control1", "Group1"),
paired = FALSE)
# plot(mean_diff(two.groups.unpaired), color.column = Gender)
plot(cohens_d(two.groups.unpaired), color.column = Gender) # Cohen's d and Hedge's g (see next
# line) are standardized effect sizes. They normalize the mean difference by the
# pooled standard deviation.
# Create paired plots:
two.groups.paired <-
dabest(my_data, Group, Measurement,
idx = c("Control1", "Group1"),
paired = TRUE, id.col = ID) # the ID provides the information about which samples are paired
# plot(mean_diff(two.groups.paired), color.column = Gender)
two.groups.paired %>%
cohens_d() %>%
plot(color.column = Gender)
However, the visualization of the effect size does not change despite I set "paired" to TRUE. Am I missing a trick?
Many thanks, Petra
Hi @peafischer
The dev version v0.3.9999 fixes this known bug, and can be installed with
devtools::install_github("ACCLAB/dabestr", ref = "v0.3.9999", force = TRUE) cf #99
Thanks a lot, Jose. If I install the version, I suddenly get issues with multiplots. E.g. when using: multi.group <- my_data %>% dabest(Group, Measurement, idx = list(c("Control1", "Group1", "Group3"), c("Control2", "Group2", "Group4")), paired = FALSE ) multi.group.mean_diff <- multi.group %>% mean_diff()
The scatter points turn into straight lines.
If I simply update to the latest developer version devtools::install_github("ACCLAB/dabestr"), then the multi-plot looks fine again, but the CIs for the paired comparison are again wrong.
Is there any way to update the version so that both functionalities work?
Hi @peafischer Thank you for bringing this up. We will fix this multiplots bug in v0.3.9999.