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Updating to latest angular version
Might as well help by updating this package dependencies along with other goodies. Some things are missing? perhaps removing tslint and whatnot but the critical aspect of what is needed, has been updated.
@ABenassi87 please take a look, thanks.
Can we please get this reviewed?
@joanofdart thank you so much for this PR. I was very busy with some stuff. I will take a look this weekend and if all is good, I will release a new version next week. Thank you so much for your contribution.
I too would much appreciate this PR. I have tested it locally without issues.
lets wait for @ABenassi87 to give it the thumbs up :)
Absolutely! Just tried to be helpful 🙂
@ABenassi87 just wondering what is it taking this long? :D People want/need this and I have no idea why its being delayed this much.
@ABenassi87 any update on this? Would be great to use this with newer versions of Angular
It's been 3-4 months still the PR is open. @ABenassi87 It will be great if you can have version and backward compatibility with angular.
@ABenassi87 would you like to add a few more core maintainers so we can help to resolve this issue?
@ABenassi87 or make it a paid project so you can afford to work on it
@joanofdart Hi, I saw you forked this repo. Would you want to publish that under a different name? I can help keep that repo up-to-date as Angular version updates.
@joanofdart Hi, I saw you forked this repo. Would you want to publish that under a different name? I can help keep that repo up-to-date as Angular version updates.
I could probably instead create a new one and base it off @ABenassi87 's work Could be a fun project. Let's see how many thumb ups do I get 👀
I support creating a new fork under an organisation, so we can have several contributors and hopefully avoid a situation where the package gets outdated in the future.
Happy to help as a contributor if that happens.
Hi there, I will review this PR, and I will merge it. Please, wait until the weekend. Thank you!
General question, what angular versions do you need to support? only the last one or some previous version?
I just started from scratch in this branch:
@ABenassi87 Hi, thanks for the updates. Are you able to publish angular-v14 to npm, maybe like under "14.0.0" so it can sync with Angular version.
@ABenassi87 Hi, thanks for the updates. Are you able to publish angular-v14 to npm any time soon?