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error fn_QRF_dismountTroops.sqf & CREATE\enemyQRF.sqf
Hello, after my last save game went haywire, I started a new game with my friends on a dedicated server and this error keep poping up in the RPT log:
23:21:49 File Functions\fn_QRF_dismountTroops.sqf [AS_fnc_QRF_dismountTroops], line 45 23:21:50 Error in expression <; ((units _infGroup1 select 0) distance _dest < 50) || ({alive _x} count units _> 23:21:50 Error position: <_dest < 50) || ({alive _x} count units _> 23:21:50 Error Undefined variable in expression: _dest
This error spam started from this error:
19:36:36 Error in expression <andpos1 = [_dest, _posRoad, _dist] call findSafeRoadToUnload;private _vehData> 19:36:36 Error position: <findSafeRoadToUnload;private _vehData> 19:36:36 Error Undefined variable in expression: findsaferoadtounload 19:36:36 File mpmissions__cur_mp.Altis\CREATE\enemyQRF.sqf, line 256 19:36:36 soldier[rhs_vdv_driver]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 19:36:37 soldier[rhs_vdv_arifleman]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 19:36:37 soldier[rhs_vdv_arifleman]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 19:36:37 "Transport dispatched to [3622.83,13779.5,0]" 19:36:37 Error in expression <tched to %1", _dest]; [_grpVeh2, _orig, _landpos1, _mrk, [_grpDis1, _grpDis2], _> 19:36:37 Error position: <_landpos1, _mrk, [_grpDis1, _grpDis2], _> 19:36:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _landpos1 19:36:37 File mpmissions__cur_mp.Altis\CREATE\enemyQRF.sqf, line 290 19:36:37 Error in expression <then { _wp501 = _infGroup2 addWaypoint [_dest, 0]; _wp501 setWaypointType "GETOU> 19:36:37 Error position: <_dest, 0]; _wp501 setWaypointType "GETOU> 19:36:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _dest 19:36:37 File Functions\fn_QRF_dismountTroops.sqf [AS_fnc_QRF_dismountTroops], line 27 19:36:37 Error in expression < 1; };
_wp400 = _vehGroup addWaypoint [_dest, 0]; _wp400 setWaypointBehaviour "> 19:36:37 Error position: <_dest, 0]; _wp400 setWaypointBehaviour "> 19:36:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _dest 19:36:37 File Functions\fn_QRF_dismountTroops.sqf [AS_fnc_QRF_dismountTroops], line 18 19:36:37 Error in expression <s", "_duration"];
[_vehGroup, _origin, _dest, _mrk, _infGroups, _duration, "gro> 19:36:37 Error position: <_dest, _mrk, _infGroups, _duration, "gro> 19:36:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _dest
After this, the QRF force sits in the base and don't attack anything. Going to check today if a complete server restart will help.
Probably it is related to this:
is this last master version that are you playing?
Oh actually this is propaganda mission, yes i forgot to repair it
OK so, Chris coded this alternative qrf script called \Create\enemyqrf.sqf
i honestly have to read it through and understand what's different and why was it necessary for certain kind of istances like propagnda, devin, camp defend
Yep, that was on the latest 1.7.19B4. After the server restart the errors didn't show anymore in large numbers, but sometimes after AAF counterattack is still shows.
Let me specify: theese QRF scripts were done in addition to the standard one. At some point we need to harmonize and make one suitable for different situations.