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Mortar usage

Open StefArma opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

It's unrealistic that using mortar (apart if you use them within 300m of HQ) don't attract enemy attention.

To balance the mortar usage enemies should be able to send a small patrol and, if they get killed, an helicopter to take care of it.

StefArma avatar Oct 02 '17 15:10 StefArma

I would make it so that if you keep firing from the same postion they investigate If I shoot a mortar from 5km away how would they know I was there? on the first few shots?

But if I keep firing its not hard to figure out a direction?

So maybe a unalerted patrol goes looking in the general area? Also two words: Money Farm

DukeVenator avatar Oct 03 '17 14:10 DukeVenator

Code from WOTP, 100% portable, if you make excessive rounds from the same position, you earn a wonderful QRF (remember in WOTP are very refined) and a nice reveal for the nearby units.

Reading the 300 mts makes me thing half of the community knows that thing, and makes me think about that number should be random (to some point) so you never feel safe of avoiding the terrible Defend Petros Mission.

_veh addEventHandler ["Fired", { _mortero = _this select 0; _datos = _mortero getVariable ["detection",[[0,0,0],0]]; _posicion = position _mortero; _chance = _datos select 1; if ((_posicion distance (_datos select 0)) < 300) then { _chance = _chance + 3; } else { _chance = 0; }; if (random 100 < _chance) then { {if ((side _x == malos) or (side _x == muyMalos)) then {_x reveal [_mortero,4]}} forEach allUnits; if (_mortero distance posHQ < 300) then { if (!("DEF_HQ" in misiones)) then { _lider = leader (gunner _mortero); if (!isPlayer _lider) then { [] remoteExec ["ataqueHQ",HCattack]; } else { if ([_lider] call isMember) then {[] remoteExec ["ataqueHQ",HCattack]}; }; }; } else { _bases = (aeropuertos - mrkSDK) select {(getMarkerPos _x distance _posDestino < 15000) and ((spawner getVariable _x != 0)) and (dateToNumber date > server getVariable _x)}; if (count _bases > 0) then { _base = [_bases,_posicion] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition; _lado = if (_base in mrkNATO) then {malos} else {muyMalos}; [getPosASL _mortero,_lado,"Normal"] remoteExec ["patrolCA",HCattack]; }; }; }; _mortero setVariable ["detection",[_posicion,_chance]]; }];

Barbolani77 avatar Jan 25 '18 21:01 Barbolani77