serverless-dynamodb-local copied to clipboard
Missing ExecuteAll? Won't migrate...
So, somehow my version of dynamoDB local is now missing the executeALL function? It's also refusing to load the migrations when I start the utility.
port: 8001
inMemory: true
migration: true
table_prefix: ${opt:stage}
dir: ./dynamolocal/migrations
The stage variable is set to local.
Here's the output of my local serverless command listing:
* Serverless documentation:
* You can run commands with "serverless" or the shortcut "sls"
* Pass "--help" after any <command> for contextual help
config credentials ............ Configures a new provider profile for the Serverless Framework
create ........................ Create new Serverless service
install ....................... Install a Serverless service from GitHub
deploy ........................ Deploy a Serverless service
deploy function ............... Deploy a single function from the service
deploy list ................... List deployed version of your Serverless Service
invoke ........................ Invoke a deployed function
invoke local .................. Invoke function locally
info .......................... Display information about the service
logs .......................... Output the logs of a deployed function
metrics ....................... Show metrics for a specific function
remove ........................ Remove Serverless service and all resources
rollback ...................... Rollback the Serverless service to a specific deployment
slstats ....................... Enable or disable stats
dynamodb migrate .............. Creates local DynamoDB tables from the current Serverless configuration
dynamodb start ................ Starts local DynamoDB
dynamodb remove ............... Removes local DynamoDB
dynamodb install .............. Installs local DynamoDB
offline ....................... Simulates API Gateway to call your lambda functions offline.
offline start ................. Simulates API Gateway to call your lambda functions offline using backward compatible initialization.
AwsCompileApigEvents, AwsCompileFunctions, AwsCompileS3Events, AwsCompileSNSEvents, AwsCompileScheduledEvents, AwsCompileStreamEvents, AwsConfigCredentials, AwsDeploy, AwsDeployFunction, AwsDeployList, AwsInfo, AwsInvoke, AwsInvokeLocal, AwsLogs, AwsMetrics, AwsProvider, AwsRemove, AwsRollback, Config, Create, Deploy, Info, Install, Invoke, Logs, Metrics, Offline, Package, Remove, Rollback, ServerlessDynamodbLocal, SlStats
The exact same results come back from the sls
command, of course.
Note: By downgrading to[email protected]
I got the features back. I've built executeAll
and the ability to load the migration tables into my deployment process.
Hi @TimothyDalbey It seems like the seed functionality is not working properly in the latest version. Will have a look on this.
So the migration capability was removed in 0.2.19
, and the project was restructured. A new seed
feature was added in 0.2.20
. This issue looks resolved