vue-country-intl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-country-intl copied to clipboard

A vue-based mobile phone area code selection, nationality selection component(一个基于vue的手机区号选择、国籍选择组件)

1 vue-country-intl

Vue-based mobile phone area code selection, nationality selection component, compatible with pc, mobile.vue-country-intlThere are 3 modes( input、popover、modal)

The country data supported by the plugin comes from:

  • iso2 code:
  • country code:

Effect preview


1.1 Brother





1.2 Install

npm install vue-country-intl --save

1.3 Usage——.vue Single file

import VueCountryIntl from 'vue-country-intl';
// import css
import 'vue-country-intl/lib/vue-country-intl.css'
// Global registration component
Vue.component(, VueCountryIntl);

/*****Used in components****/
    <vue-country-intl v-model="countryCode"></vue-country-intl>

1.4 Usage——Import js files directly

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./lib/vue-country-intl.css">
<script src="./lib/vue-country-intl.min.js"></script>
  Vue.component('vue-country-intl', vueCountryIntl);
  new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {}

1.5 schema=input(default)

    <VueCountryIntl v-model="phoneCountry"></VueCountryIntl>



display the nationality name in Chinese display the nationality name in Chinese

1.6 schema=popover(popover)

    <button type="button" id="my_reference">Select phone area code</button>
    <VueCountryIntl schema="popover" elId="my_reference" v-model="phoneCountry">
    <VueCountryIntl schema="popover" v-model="phoneCountry">
        <button type="button" slot="reference">Select phone area code</button>



1.7 schema=modal

    <VueCountryIntl schema="modal" v-model="phoneCountry"></VueCountryIntl>



1.8 props

1.schema: Display mode

  • input: Display as an input input box (default)
  • popover: Popover pop-up form
  • modal: Modal box pop-up form

2.type: Value type

  • phone: To select the area code
  • country: Select nationality

3.placeholder: The placeholder of the input box when schema=input

4.searchAble: Whether it can be searched (data type: Boolean)

5.disabled: Whether to disable (data type: Boolean)

6.showAreaCode: Whether to display the area code in the input box (data type: Boolean)


7.showLabelImg: Whether to display an image in the input box (data type: Boolean)

8.onlyValue: Whether to display only the selected value without displaying the nationality name (data type: Boolean)

9.listZIndex: z-index for list (data type:Number)

10.maxHeight: The maximum height of the list, pc default 350px, mobile default 240px (data type:Number)

11.selectedText: The copy to the right of the selected item in the list, the default is Selected (data type:String)

12.showSelectedText: Whether the right side of the 'Selected' file is displayed when the list item is selected, the default is true (data type: Boolean)

13.readonly: Read-only, default false (data type: Boolean)

14.offsetTop: The distance from the popover popup window to the reference element. The default is 10.Only valid when schema=popover (data type:Number)

15.popoverClass: Popover pop-up window extra class.Only valid when schema=popover (data type:String)

16.referenceTrigger: Click on whether the reference can display the popover popup. The default is true.Only valid when schema=popover (data type: Boolean)

17.searchInputPlaceholder: Search for the placeholder text in the input box,Only valid in schema=popover, schema=modal (data type:String)

18.elId: Trigger the id of the element displayed by the popover popup,Only valid in schema=popover mode (data type:String)

19.modalClass: Model pop-up extra class. Valid only when schema=modal (data type: String)

20: visible: Control component display and hide, you need to use the sync syntax, such as::visible.sync="show", valid only in schema=modal mode (data type: Boolean)

21: cancelText: Close the text of the button of the popup, default: 'Cancel', valid only in schema=modal mode (data type:String)

22: disableCountry: Disabled countries (can pass country name, country code, mobile area code), can pass strings or pass arrays, pass strings to disable multiple countries, need to be separated by commas(data type:String|Array)

23: onlyCountry: Display only the specified country, can pass a string or pass an array, multiple countries separated by commas when passing a string(data type:String|Array)

24: 'noDataText' : the copywriter displayed when the national data is not searched, if there is' vueCountryNoData 'slot, slot contents will be displayed first (data type: String)

25: iosMobileReadonly: Whether the input box is read-only in the ios mobile terminal (only valid in schema = input mode), the default is true. If it is not in the read-only mode in the ios mobile terminal, the selection box will pop up(data type: Boolean)

26: useChiness: Whether to display the nationality name in Chinese, the default is false.(data type: Boolean)

1.9 Methods(method) Display list

2.hide: Hidden list

3.getSelected: Get the selected list item

4.terminal: Determine if ios or android terminal. Return data format:{android: true, ios: false}

1.10 slot

1.vueCountryNoData:Slot displayed when country data is not found

1.11 Event

1.onChange: Triggered when the user manually selects a list item, it will pass selected, value to onChange.


A Vue-based national flag flag component

Effect preview



npm install vue-country-intl --save


import VueCountryFlag from 'vue-country-intl/lib/vue-country-flag.min.js';
// import css
import 'vue-country-intl/lib/vue-country-flag.css'

// Introduce svg icons
let flagFilePath = require.context('vue-country-intl/lib/country-flag-svgs', true, /\.svg$/);
Vue.use(VueCountryFlag, flagFilePath);

/*****components used****/
    <VueCountryFlag value="cn"></VueCountryFlag>
    <VueCountryFlag value="+86">
      <template v-slot="{country}">
        <span class="slot-span">国家:<mark>{{}}</mark></span>


1.value: Nationality code or phone area code value

2.type: value type

  • phone: Indicates the selection of the mobile phone area code
  • country: Indicates the choice of nationality

3.iso2: Nationality code, the iso2 attribute must be passed when type=phone, otherwise there will be problems when the area code is 212 or 358!

4.useTitle: Whether to add the title attribute to the element, the value of title is the code of the nationality or the area code of the mobile phone (data type: Boolean)


1.getCountry: Get detailed nationality information

1.6、Event click event