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A pytorch implementation of Unsupervised Deep Generative Adversarial Hashing Network, CVPR'18



This is a pytorch implementation of Unsupervised Deep Generative Adversarial Hashing Network, CVPR'18 for CIFAR10 and MNIST dataset.



Run this in terminal:

git clone https://github.com/8uos/HashGAN-Pytorch



The simplest way is just run this in terminal:

python HashGAN.py --train

There are some possible additional arguments:

--batch_size: The size of minibatch. Default value is 100.

--z_dim : The length of a continuous part of input random variable. Default value is 128.

--b_dim : The length of a binary part of input random variable. Default value is 16.

--init_lr : Initial learning rate. Default value is 9e-04.

--final_lr : Final learning rate. Default value is 3e-04.

--epochs : The number of epochs to train. Default value is 100.

--gpu : The id of gpu to use. Default value is 0.

--dataset : The name of dataset to use. 'cifar10' and 'mnist' are possible, and default value is 'mnist'.

--G_dict : The path to generator model to load. If this is None, generator will be randomly initialized. Default value is None.

--D_dict : The path to discriminator model to load. If this is None, discriminator will be randomly initialized. Default value is None.

--save_dir : The name of the save directory. Everything will be saved in results/save_dir. Default value is 'temp'.

--log_step : Interval to print the losses.

--data_dir : The location of the dataset. If the dataset does not exists in data_dir, the dataset will be downloaded. Default value is './data'.


python HashGAN.py --eval \
                  --G_dict=Path/to/generator/dict/to/evaluate \

The possible additional arguments are identical to the ones above.



  • HashGAN (class)

    • init (method)

      Defines the HashGAN network.

    • loss_D (method)

      Computes the dicriminator and encoder losses and stores them as attributes of HashGAN class.

    • loss_G (method)

      Computes the feature matching loss and stores it as an attribute of HashGAN class.

    • step_opt (method)

      Computes gradient and step optimizer.

    • generate_code_label (method)

      Generates codes using current encoder and labels of all datapoints in given dataloader.

    • eval (method)

      Evaluates the hashgan network with given query set and database set.

    • train (method)

      Train the network.

  • Define the net, train, evaluate


  • get_trmat (function)

    Builds transform matrix to compute consistent bit loss.

  • set_input (function)

    Makes input random variable consisting of a continuous part and a binary part of input random variable.

  • get_prec_topn (function)

    Computes precision@topn with given query and database codes.

  • bit_entropy (function)

    Computes the entropy of each bit of the given code.


  • Generator (class)

    The definition of the model of generator network.

  • Discriminator (class)

    The definition of the model of discriminator and encoder network.


  • K.dizaji, F.Zheng, N.Nourabadi, Y.Yang, C.Deng, H.Huang. “Unsupervised Deep Generative Adversarial Hashing Network”, CVPR, 2018.