Niagara-Issues copied to clipboard
Allow manually selecting anycon used for Niagara Button
Is your feature request related to a problem?
My Niagara button shows kind of a ereader icon for my e-mail app. I would like to switch to a e-mail icon.
Describe the solution you'd like
Just a simple function to chose another icon
Feature Request Procedure
- [X] I have read the knowledge base article on feature requests and followed the steps mentioned
I'm adding a screenshot of my Niagara button and another screenshot of the e-mail app that is attached to the button.
To make it clear: eM Client is my e-mail app and definitely not an ebook reader.
long tap on icon, then click the picture of icon, you can change from there
This doesn't work for the Niagara button. There I can only change the underlaying app but not the icon.
This is how the Niagara button looks like when I'm using Gmail as underlying app. With "eM Client" it should look the same.
SO that means Niagra button not following Icon pack theme
No. It's not about the theme, it's about the app category. Niagara choose the wrong category for my e-mail app.
This sounds like a good idea, but we would prefer if the categorization algorithm did this for our users instead of them having to select the icon manually.
We will think about whether this is a viable option or whether we stick to the original idea of improving the icon selection algorithm.
It seems like a simple strategy would be to use the same icon as whatever app is set as the tap action (either use the icon for that app's category, or if the icon of that app has been manually adjusted to something else then use that icon).
For the Niagara button, I think the icon display behavior would be nice like this:
- Let the user choose any icon they want, just like they can do now for custom folders.
- If they haven't chosen a custom icon, and if the action is to simply launch an application, then just use that application's own icon.
- Otherwise, fall-back to Niagara's categorization algorithm.
From #2757 - @camina-drummer
[...] I'd prefer manual selection.
That would be close to what we wanted to add.
The only issues are that the categorization algorithm requires the user to grant the app categorization permission and that not every icon would fit on the Niagara button since it's a floating action button. We could allow users to choose any of the Anycons, both individual and category icons.
@TFackler I thought that app icons in Android are standardized/uniform and even scalable, so it shouldn't matter if they are the original app icons, Niagara-provided icons, or a custom icon pack. If that's the case, why wouldn't any icon fit on the floating action button? Alternatively, couldn't the floating action button itself scale to match the icon size? Niagara already supports resizing the app icons on the home screen... Can scaling not also be done on the floating action button?