8085simulator.github.io copied to clipboard
Trying to step by step simulate any program generates following warning: Unable to create backward step instances.
Consider this simple example: ``` MVI H,10D MVI A,0FH LXI B,2500H LOOP: STAX B INX B DCR H JNZ LOOP ```` After a complete pass through **LOOP**, **register B** should...
Register contents are not updating after compiling code in one shot.
it returns back to 0
Here's the Command Prompt output after restarting the compiler, pasting in my current program, and clicking the autocorrect button. Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 229288618 at Assembler.Assemble(Assembler.java:2413) at Assembler.jButtonAssembleActionPerformed(Assembler.java:2345) at...
I don't know if this project is still active, but if it is I wanted to mention this.
Hello Jubin, thanks for the great project. Some issues I see with the GitHub platform usage: binaries (.jar) are commited inside the source code, instead of been upload into Releases...
I wrote a program to find the cube of a 4 bit number. Whenever I run it step by step everything works perfectly fine for every test case and there...