googleAnalyticsR copied to clipboard
Docker Container: Could not authenticate via any gargle cred function
What goes wrong
Authenticating GA within docker container returns described error. authenticating works on local envir
Steps to reproduce the problem
start from the rocker/r-ver:4.1.2 image
FROM rocker/r-ver:4.1.2
install the linux libraries needed for plumber
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y
install packs
RUN R -e "install.packages(c('googleAnalyticsR','googleAuthR'))"
copy everything from the current directory into the container
COPY / /
when the container starts, start the main.R script
ENTRYPOINT ["Rscript", "main.R"]
Expose the container to the host's network
CMD ["--network", "bridge"]
Obtain oauth token on local machine & save as file in rds
token = googleAuthR::gar_auth() # approach 1 token = googleAnalyticsR::ga_auth() # approach 2
run container with main.r below
main.R if (!require(googleAnalyticsR)) install.packages('googleAnalyticsR') if (!require(googleAuthR)) install.packages('googleAuthR')
autpath = r'{authclient.json}' # service account Sys.setenv(GARGLE_EMAIL = "[email protected]") googleAuthR::gar_set_client(authpath)
googleAnalyticsR::ga_auth(token = readRDS('gatoken.rds'))
Expected output
Authenticated Session within docker container
Actual output
✔ Setting from authclient.json [1] "name-name-123456" ℹ 2023-07-27 18:13:35 > Using email from GARGLE_EMAIL env var: [email protected] Error: Could not authenticate via any gargle cred function Execution halted
Before you run your code, please run:
and copy-paste the console output here.
Check it doesn't include any sensitive info like auth tokens or accountIds - you can usually just edit those out manually and replace with say XXX
this does not give any more info
packages are matching. same applies to environment variables
For a server-style authentication like when within docker, I suggest you use a service account key json file instead. There are various intricacies regarding OAuth2 HTTP requests that may be blocked in your docker settings you avoid then.