
Results 15 comments of 刘啸亚

Hi! @eleurent I have a small question. What role does the attention of the vehicle to itself play throughout the process? Does the vehicle need to pay attention to itself?...

> I think there can be two roles: > > 1. the decision may depend on the state of the vehicle, e.g. its current position, or its speed or heading....

另外博主我想问一下,目前我的logs文件夹下有这些权重文件,如果我想断点继续训练的话,是将model_path指向哪个权值文件的路径呢?是ep032还是trained_weights_stage_1呢?并且这个trained_weights_stage_1.h5是什么权重文件呢?期待您的回答 谢谢! ![weights](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52661423/113967417-85dd7700-9863-11eb-9db8-eb34c027ea01.png)

> 1、是的 > 2、两个是同一个权值应该,trained_weights_stage_1.h5是冻结训练完保存的文件,你应该是解冻训练爆显存了,所以两个一样 好的谢谢
