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Laravel Cart, Checkout, Orders and Coupons API with Nova Management
This package provides API endpoints and common functionality for cart, checkout, orders and coupons. You can use it with your own UI or use Checkout Vue package that works with this API out of the box.
You can install this package via composer:
composer require 64robots/checkout
Once installed, this package will automatically register its service provider.
You can publish the package migrations with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="R64\Checkout\CheckoutServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
After the migrations have been published, you can create package tables with:
php artisan migrate
By running migrations, these tables will be created:
You can also publish the package config with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="R64\Checkout\CheckoutServiceProvider" --tag="config"
After the config has been published, you can find it's contents in config/checkout.php
return [
* Required parameters when submitting an order to /api/orders endpoint
'required' => [
// 'shipping_address_line2',
// 'billing_address_line2',
* Terms and conditions url used usually in the checkout UI
'toc_url' => '#',
* Currency code that will be saved with every order and symbol
* that is usually used in the Cart, Checkout and Order UI
'currency' => [
'code' => env('CHECKOUT_CURRENCY_CODE', 'USD'),
'symbol' => env('CHECKOUT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL', '$')
* Percentage of Cart total and fixed fee will be stored for every
* order purchase (transaction)
'stripe' => [
'percentage_fee' => env('CHECKOUT_STRIPE_PERCENTAGE_FEE', 29 / 1000),
'fixed_fee' => env('CHECKOUT_STRIPE_FIXED_FEE', 30)
* Shipping city and state is automatically resolved from zip code
* using GeoNames service
* Country code constraints the search results
* to specific country
'geo_names' => [
'username' => env('CHECKOUT_GEO_NAMES_USERNAME', 'demo'),
'country_code' => env('CHECKOUT_GEO_NAMES_COUNTRY_CODE', 'US')
* Class names can be replaced and extended with your own logic
'product_model' => R64\Checkout\Models\Product::class,
'customer_model' => R64\Checkout\Models\Customer::class,
'cart_model' => R64\Checkout\Models\Cart::class,
'cart_item_model' => R64\Checkout\Models\CartItem::class,
'coupon_model' => R64\Checkout\Models\Coupon::class,
'order_model' => R64\Checkout\Models\Order::class,
'order_item_model' => R64\Checkout\Models\OrderItem::class,
'product_resource' => R64\Checkout\Http\Resources\ProductResource::class,
'payment' => R64\Checkout\StripePaymentHandler::class
You can publish nova resources with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="R64\Checkout\CheckoutServiceProvider" --tag="nova"
Available API Endpoints
Once you install the package and run migrations, these API endpoints will be available in your application.
Checkout is open-source software licensed under the MIT license