ed25519-login copied to clipboard
IV key as a salt?
add a random salt to the encrypted epoch time, so you can verify that they validated the key?
I am not a cyrptography expert but I would like to think that I visualize some semblance of replayability there.
Hi. Thanks for the comment. The web service itself stores used signatures. Once a signature is used to login, it cannot be re-used later.
What if two websites use this? If a user has the same public key stored on both sites and logs in to site 1, then couldn't site 1 log into site 2 as the user?
Yes, that would be true. If the current time signing scheme was used on multiple websites and the user used the same keypair for both sites then that would work. I plan to switch to having users sign a nonce rather than the current time. In that case, only site 1 (and the user) would have the nonce. Thanks for the feedback.