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RakNet,for unity realtime online game networking
1.This is a raknet package which has specifically compiled and generated code for Unity3D,and now it support Windows,Android,iOS platform,welcome to add new platform support. The Native raknet library is already up-to-date. You can also build Android so library by hands directly in Visual Studio 2017 with Android C++ support. For iOS platform ,just put the source file , it could compile successly in xCode.
These library is already in used for couple of mobile games,such like moba or FPS game which has high immediacy demand for network.
2.RakNetServer is a test Server writen in C#,for test the availablity and the performance purpose.
if you have any issue ,please pull a request at the Issue Tab.It might helps other person.
1.这是一个专门给Unity3D封装的Raknet代码仓库,可以通过C#代码调用原生的C++,当前已经完成对Windows,Android,iOS平台的支持,编辑器模式下也能使用,欢迎添加对新的平台的支持 目前的raknet库已经更到最新了 Android的so库文件已经编译好了,iOS平台直接把源代码放进去即可在xCode中编译成功 对于FPS,MOBA,体育竞技类的对实时性要求很高的游戏,这个库具有很高的利用价值并已经成功应用在一些商业项目上
2.RakNetServer是一个测试服务器,C#写的,用于测试网络可用性和性能 有问题欢迎提出来,本项目长期有效