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Identifying SharedCoin transactions

Open kristovatlas opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

Has anyone seen a good heuristic for identifying transactions generated by the old SharedCoin service?

Looking back over my old code when I was researching this, my naive heuristic was to expect at least 5 inputs and outputs and to expect the "relayed by" ip address field of the explorer API to be set to '' or ''.

I'd like to try feeding some of these transactions to @LaurentMT's Boltzmann and see what happens.

kristovatlas avatar Oct 23 '19 19:10 kristovatlas

The first commit to the sharedcoin server repo appears to be 2013/12/22. Of course, there may have been other test transactions before then.

kristovatlas avatar Oct 30 '19 06:10 kristovatlas

There are some reddit posts referencing the shut down of SharedCoin from Sept 2, 2016.

kristovatlas avatar Oct 30 '19 06:10 kristovatlas