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A framework for generative art.


chaosbox is a generative art framework. It ties together many well-known and powerful tools and builds on them to provide an intuitive, extensible experience developing artwork powered by algorithms and procedural generation, interactively.



You'll need cairo and sdl version 2.0+ to run a chaosbox program.

Follow the platform-specific instructions to get these installed:

Installing the library

chaosbox uses stack as a build tool. This is pre-release software, so you'll need to point your stack.yaml to the right git commit in your project's root directory. Additionally you'll need a few extra-deps that don't exist in recent stackage snapshots:


  - random-extras-0.19
  - gtk2hs-buildtools-
  - gi-cairo-render-0.0.1@sha256:ff2ccc309c021c2c023fa0d380375ef36cff2df93e0c78ed733f052dd1aa9782,3502
  - github: 5outh/chaosbox
    commit: 93093054cfdf2af0f5d72546aada2c5d474b8c27

And add the dependency chaosbox to your cabal (or package.yaml if using hpack) file


  - chaosbox


executable example-project
  -- ... 
    - chaosbox

Then stack build your project as normal.

If you run into any issues with these setup instructions, please file an issue.

Example chaosbox Program

Let's take a look at an example program. First, a description of the program:

A white curve grows from the center of a black canvas. A new control point is generated in every frame. The curve is limited to 100 control points; once that limit is exceeded, the curve drops points from the end.

The amount the curve grows is determined by a backing simplex noise field. It will grow more quickly in some spots than others.

The user can interact with the program by clicking and holding the mouse. While the mouse is held, the front of the curve slowly interpolates to the cursor's location.

There's quite a bit going on. Here's the code:

module Main where

import           ChaosBox

import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

-- Run this example with
-- @
-- > chaosbox-example -- --scale=60
-- @
main :: IO ()
main = runChaosBoxWith (\o -> o { optWidth = 10, optHeight = 10 }) renderSketch

setup :: Render ()
setup = setLineWidth 0.02

renderSketch :: Generate ()
renderSketch = do
  cairo setup

  (w, h)           <- getSize
  center           <- getCenterPoint

  startingPoint    <- normal center (P2 (w / 4) (h / 4))
  pathRef          <- newIORef (startingPoint :| [])
  noise            <- newNoise2

  mousePositionRef <- heldMousePosition ButtonLeft

  eventLoop $ do
    nextPath <- modifyIORefM pathRef $ \ps@(p :| _) -> do
      c <- readIORefWith (maybe p (lerp 0.05 p)) mousePositionRef
      let deviation = 0.3 * noise (c / 100)
      nextPoint <- normal c (P2 deviation deviation)
      pure $ unsafeTake 100 $ nextPoint `NE.cons` ps

    fillScreenRGB black
    cairo $ do
      setSourceRGB white
      draw (ClosedCurve nextPath 10) *> stroke

-- | An unsafe version of 'Data.List.NonEmpty.take'
-- This will blow up if n < 1, but is perfectly fine for a static value > 1,
-- such as @100@ (at the callsite above).
unsafeTake :: Int -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty a
unsafeTake n = NE.fromList . NE.take n

Note: this example is taken directly from chaosbox-example, an executable shipped along with chaosbox. See the haddock documentation for a link-annotated version of this program.

This short example covers myriad concepts in chaosbox. Notably:

  • All drawing is done through libcairo via cairo.
  • We can query the world (getSize and getCenterPoint)
  • chaosbox supports non-uniform random sampling (normal)
  • chaosbox handles variable mutation using IORefs and provides helpers around common operations (modifyIORefM, forIORef)
  • Interactive chaosbox programs run in an Event Loop. This gets called once per frame.
  • We can 'draw' various data types, including ClosedCurves, to the canvas. (see ChaosBox.Geometry for more)
  • Some common event handling is abstracted away (heldMousePosition)

In addition to what is visible here, eventLoop also provides a couple global keybindings:

  • Pressing s will save the current image at any time.
  • Pressing q will immediately quit the window and save the image.

More can be added at any time using facilities provided in ChaosBox.Interactive.

To get a feel for how ChaosBox works using this documentation, check out ChaosBox.CLI, ChaosBox.Generate, ChaosBox.Interactive, ChaosBox.Geometry and ChaosBox.Affine.

Additionally, it is recommended to get up to speed with libcairo and its haskell bindings. Since the actual drawing is done using libcairo, learning these bindings will allow you to customize your art much more easily by digging down a level below this high-level interface.

Have fun!