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Pogofeeder slow list update??
If i take a look into the pogofeeder list(GUI VERSION) after some time of running, the list shows me like 5 pokemons, if i restart the feeder it shows me again like 20+ :O:O
Anyone had/having the same problem????
yes me also...
made an bat to restart feeder every 10minutes^^
News from @ExcuseMi here??:)
Please check if your system time is synchronized. If you are a couple minutes ahead, the pokemon will never be added.
@ExcuseMi How can i check that?
@ExcuseMi Time synchronized and still dont work
Please post full logs and configuration files here.
Config { "Port": 16969, "UsePokeSnipers": true, "UsePokezz": true, "UsePokewatchers": true, "PokeSnipers2Exe": "", "RemoveAfter": 5, "ShowLimit": 1000, "VerifyOnSkiplagged": true, "UsePokemonGoIVClub": true, "UsePokeSnipe": true, "UseFilter": true, "UseGeoLocationBoundsFilter": false, "GeoLocationBounds": { "SouthWest": { "Latitude": 40.60414973724572, "Longitude": -74.2335024050293 }, "NorthEast": { "Latitude": 40.848719837349826, "Longitude": -73.660840051513674 } }, "AppTheme": "Dark", "IsServer": false, "IsManaged": true, "ServerHost": "pokefeeder.live", "ServerPort": 49000, "OutgoingServerPort": 49000, "ShareBotCaptures": false, "BotWebSocketPorts": [ 14251 ], "VerifiedOnly": false, "MinimumIV": 40.0, "UnverifedOnly": false, "UseUploadedPokemon": true, "PokemonNotInFilterMinimumIV": 100.0 } Logs [2016-09-02 07:24:08][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-02 07:24:08][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-02 07:24:08][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-02 07:24:08][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-02 07:24:08][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-02 07:24:09][INFO] Received 13 pokemon from server [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Snorlax at 47.636171,-122.278820 with 99% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Tentacruel at 37.806645,-122.404030 with 58,05% IV Move1: PoisonJabFast Move2: HydroPump, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 49.235277,6.982283 with 15% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at 19.418661,-99.200160 with 66% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: SolarBeam, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 1.276988,103.817505 with 30% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunder, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 49.235306,6.979167 with 14% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: ThunderPunch, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: PokeWatchers: Slowbro at 25.034044,121.610347 with 49% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: IceBeam, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Electabuzz at 19.416934,-99.203362 with 37% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Golem at 24.796440,-107.393154 with 82% IV Move1: MudSlapFast Move2: Earthquake until 07:24:25, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 40.758172,-73.966887 with 78% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 07:25:17, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Dratini at 21.284139,-157.700171 with 100% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: Wrap until 07:26:21, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 22.355091,114.109144 with 23% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 07:27:30, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Exeggutor at 35.715948,139.771318 with 38% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: SolarBeam until 07:28:50, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:24:09][DEBUG] Connected to bot on 14251 [2016-09-02 07:24:39][INFO] Received 3 pokemon from server [2016-09-02 07:25:00][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Vaporeon at 22.354656,114.109145 with 63% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: AquaTail EncounterId: 570570322956227693, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:25:09][INFO] Received 4 pokemon from server [2016-09-02 07:25:11][PKMN] Captured existing: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 22.355091,114.109144 with 23% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt EncounterId: 17814512657712169629 until 07:27:30, Captures 1 [2016-09-02 07:25:12][INFO] Uploading bot pokemon: Bot: Electabuzz at 22.355092,114.109145 with 23% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt EncounterId: 17814512657712169629 until 07:27:31 [2016-09-02 07:25:25][PKMN] Captured existing: Bot: Exeggutor at 35.715948,139.771318 with 38% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: SolarBeam EncounterId: 9011785319466466941 until 07:28:50, Captures 1 [2016-09-02 07:25:26][INFO] Uploading bot pokemon: Bot: Exeggutor at 35.715948,139.771318 with 38% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: SolarBeam EncounterId: 9011785319466466941 until 07:28:50 [2016-09-02 07:25:34][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Drowzee at 42.339971,-3.704446 with 75% IV Move1: PoundFast Move2: Psyshock EncounterId: 10792720992983033485 until 07:36:44, Captures 0 [2016-09-02 07:25:39][INFO] Received 5 pokemon from server [2016-09-02 07:26:08][TRACE] Expired: Bot: Snorlax at 47.636171,-122.278820 with 99% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam [2016-09-02 07:26:09][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:25:38][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 06:25:38][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 06:25:38][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 06:25:38][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][INFO] Received 10 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Jynx at 45.202929,5.740789 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: KimCordashian:coord_input: Goldeen at -33.869003,151.153474 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: PogoFeeder: Dragonite at 22.342974,114.216341 with 65% IV Move1: SteelWingFast Move2: HyperBeam, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Eevee at 45.030056,-93.319595 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Vaporeon at 42.331772,-71.019922 with 88,11% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: AquaTail, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 25.739709,-80.224070 with 81% IV Move1: ZenHeadbuttFast Move2: BodySlam until 06:26:01, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Golem at 19.389680,-99.196178 with 79% IV Move1: MudSlapFast Move2: StoneEdge until 06:26:21, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Slowbro at -33.860911,151.212111 with 44% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: IceBeam until 06:26:54, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Vaporeon at 49.265067,-123.081656 with 74% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: WaterPulse until 06:28:08, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:25:39][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Flareon at -33.440689,-70.634924 with 55% IV Move1: EmberFast Move2: HeatWave until 06:31:23, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:26:08][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:26:38][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:26:46][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-03 06:27:08][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:27:38][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:28:08][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:28:38][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:29:08][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:29:38][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:30:08][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:31:41][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 06:31:41][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 06:31:41][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 06:31:41][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-03 06:31:41][INFO] Received 11 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Eevee at 45.030056,-93.319595 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Dratini at 53.484554,-2.247014 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Snorlax at -37.817630,144.948407 with 62% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: Earthquake until 06:31:43, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Gengar at 51.512954,-0.098653 with 71,91% IV Move1: ShadowClawFast Move2: SludgeBomb until 06:32:41, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Flareon at 19.393572,-99.172039 with 67% IV Move1: EmberFast Move2: FireBlast until 06:35:32, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Arcanine at -33.460046,-70.651467 with 69% IV Move1: BiteFast Move2: Bulldoze until 06:35:44, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Lapras at 52.069611,4.217473 with 77% IV Move1: FrostBreathFast Move2: IceBeam until 06:35:51, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:31:41][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at -32.949612,-60.657407 with 58% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: Psychic until 06:40:52, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:32:11][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:32:41][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:32:41][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Dratini at 53.484722,-2.247028 with 100% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: AquaTail until 06:41:16, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:33:11][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:33:41][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:34:11][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:34:41][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:35:11][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:35:18][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 06:35:18][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 06:35:18][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 06:35:18][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-03 06:35:19][INFO] Received 15 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Dratini at 53.484554,-2.247014 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: PogoFeeder: Snorlax at 22.291209,113.903878 with 82% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Vaporeon at 42.331772,-71.019922 with 88,11% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: AquaTail, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Flareon at 19.393572,-99.172039 with 67% IV Move1: EmberFast Move2: FireBlast until 06:35:32, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Snorlax at 32.929798,-96.801986 with 95% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: BodySlam until 06:35:34, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Arcanine at -33.460046,-70.651467 with 69% IV Move1: BiteFast Move2: Bulldoze until 06:35:44, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Lapras at 52.069611,4.217473 with 77% IV Move1: FrostBreathFast Move2: IceBeam until 06:35:51, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 33.541485,-86.543342 with 92% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: Earthquake until 06:39:04, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Snorlax at 35.177374,-103.717830 with 86% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: BodySlam until 06:39:41, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at -32.949612,-60.657407 with 58% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: Psychic until 06:40:52, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Dragonite at 37.732535,-122.420578 with 55% IV Move1: SteelWingFast Move2: DragonClaw until 06:40:53, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Dratini at 53.484722,-2.247028 with 100% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: AquaTail until 06:41:16, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at -23.556168,-46.713292 with 63% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: SolarBeam until 06:45:16, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:19][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Electabuzz at -3.309033,114.581477 with 70% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunder until 06:45:34, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:35:49][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:36:19][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:36:19][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Geodude at 40.417148,-3.702702 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:36:49][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:41:22][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 06:41:22][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 06:41:22][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 06:41:22][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-03 06:41:22][INFO] Received 11 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:95_iv_and_up: Lapras at 1.253470,103.814698 with 96% IV Move1: IceShardFast Move2: DragonPulse, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Dratini at 53.484554,-2.247014 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Geodude at 40.417148,-3.702702 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PogoFeeder: Snorlax at 22.291209,113.903878 with 82% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Gengar at 22.307067,114.228972 with 88% IV Move1: ShadowClawFast Move2: DarkPulse until 06:42:28, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Vaporeon at 30.262665,-97.754954 with 68% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: HydroPump until 06:43:47, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Venusaur at -37.806587,144.969401 with 43% IV Move1: RazorLeafFast Move2: PetalBlizzard until 06:44:35, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at -23.556168,-46.713292 with 63% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: SolarBeam until 06:45:16, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Electabuzz at -3.309033,114.581477 with 70% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunder until 06:45:34, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 41.856158,-87.672098 with 69% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 06:46:18, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 25.820632,-80.216489 with 44% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 06:47:22, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:46:32][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 06:46:32][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 06:46:32][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 06:46:32][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 06:46:33][INFO] Received 6 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 06:46:33][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:95_iv_and_up: Lapras at 1.253470,103.814698 with 96% IV Move1: IceShardFast Move2: DragonPulse, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:46:33][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Geodude at 40.417148,-3.702702 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:46:33][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 25.820632,-80.216489 with 44% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 06:47:22, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:46:33][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at 49.206076,-123.125012 with 79,68% IV Move1: ZenHeadbuttFast Move2: SolarBeam until 06:49:47, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:46:33][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Arcanine at 34.023109,-118.216523 with 67% IV Move1: FireFangFast Move2: Bulldoze until 06:51:12, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 06:46:33][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 22.382919,114.274480 with 58% IV Move1: ZenHeadbuttFast Move2: HyperBeam until 06:55:04, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:21][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 08:09:21][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 08:09:21][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 08:09:21][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][INFO] Received 12 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:rare_pokemon: Slowbro at 1.312372,103.936469 with 47% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:rare_pokemon: Blastoise at 1.321695,103.814970 with 58% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: HydroPump, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Slowbro at 40.743183,-73.959723 with 46% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: Psychic until 08:10:20, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Vaporeon at 40.777263,-73.969275 with 94% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: HydroPump until 08:10:21, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Arcanine at 40.784999,-73.979743 with 47% IV Move1: FireFangFast Move2: Flamethrower until 08:11:34, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Poliwrath at 22.333788,114.209932 with 60% IV Move1: MudShotFast Move2: HydroPump until 08:12:33, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Slowbro at 22.307835,114.211975 with 71% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: IceBeam until 08:12:44, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at 1.319128,103.815875 with 74% IV Move1: ZenHeadbuttFast Move2: SolarBeam until 08:12:44, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 22.332098,114.212347 with 43% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 08:13:58, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:09:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 08:10:06][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 08:10:07][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 08:10:07][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 08:10:07][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][INFO] Received 15 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:rare_pokemon: Slowbro at 1.312372,103.936469 with 47% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:rare_pokemon: Vaporeon at 1.290423,103.781194 with 82% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:rare_pokemon: Golem at 1.351762,103.768338 with 79% IV Move1: RockThrowFast Move2: StoneEdge, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:rare_pokemon: Blastoise at 1.321695,103.814970 with 58% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: HydroPump, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Slowbro at 40.743183,-73.959723 with 46% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: Psychic until 08:10:20, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Vaporeon at 40.777263,-73.969275 with 94% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: HydroPump until 08:10:21, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Arcanine at 40.784999,-73.979743 with 47% IV Move1: FireFangFast Move2: Flamethrower until 08:11:34, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Poliwrath at 22.333788,114.209932 with 60% IV Move1: MudShotFast Move2: HydroPump until 08:12:33, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Slowbro at 22.307835,114.211975 with 71% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: IceBeam until 08:12:44, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Exeggutor at 1.319128,103.815875 with 74% IV Move1: ZenHeadbuttFast Move2: SolarBeam until 08:12:44, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 22.332098,114.212347 with 43% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 08:13:58, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Muk at -1.260784,116.839082 with 67% IV Move1: PoisonJabFast Move2: SludgeWave until 08:15:57, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 08:10:07][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 43.655587,-79.371238 with 55% IV Move1: ThunderShockFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 08:17:14, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:20][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 14:41:20][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 14:41:20][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 14:41:20][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 14:41:20][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-03 14:41:22][INFO] Received 11 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Dragonite at 40.794247,-73.968815 with 80% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: HyperBeam, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Electabuzz at -33.434773,-70.645241 with 41% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunder until 14:41:49, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Dragonite at -37.812837,144.980502 with 43% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: DragonPulse until 14:42:34, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 22.389843,113.981200 with 74% IV Move1: ZenHeadbuttFast Move2: HyperBeam until 14:42:35, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Nidoking at 40.780756,-73.979744 with 49% IV Move1: FuryCutterFast Move2: Megahorn until 14:42:46, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 38.879655,-77.038051 with 48% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam until 14:43:02, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 48.836988,2.379434 with 85% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam until 14:46:50, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:22][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 22.456540,114.141659 with 93% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunder until 14:49:01, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:41:51][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:41:51][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Tentacruel at 21.030785,105.853204 with 59% IV Move1: PoisonJabFast Move2: HydroPump until 14:51:45, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:42:20][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:42:50][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:42:50][PKMN] Discovered: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Jynx at 59.293331,18.047284 with 100% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:43:20][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:43:50][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:44:20][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:44:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:45:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:45:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:46:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:46:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:47:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:47:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:48:20][TRACE] Expired: Bot: Dragonite at 40.794247,-73.968815 with 80% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: HyperBeam [2016-09-03 14:48:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:48:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:49:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:49:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:50:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:50:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:51:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:51:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:52:20][TRACE] Expired: Pokesnipers: Electabuzz at -33.434773,-70.645241 with 41% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunder until 14:41:49 [2016-09-03 14:52:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:52:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:53:20][TRACE] Expired: PokeZZ: Dragonite at -37.812837,144.980502 with 43% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: DragonPulse until 14:42:34 [2016-09-03 14:53:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:53:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:54:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:54:51][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:55:20][TRACE] Expired: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 38.879655,-77.038051 with 48% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam until 14:43:02 [2016-09-03 14:55:21][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:55:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:56:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:56:52][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:57:20][TRACE] Expired: Pokesnipers: Nidoking at 40.780756,-73.979744 with 49% IV Move1: FuryCutterFast Move2: Megahorn until 14:42:46 [2016-09-03 14:57:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:57:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:58:20][TRACE] Expired: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 22.389843,113.981200 with 74% IV Move1: ZenHeadbuttFast Move2: HyperBeam until 14:42:35 [2016-09-03 14:58:22][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:58:22][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Gengar at 51.502539,-0.078244 with 51% IV Move1: ShadowClawFast Move2: DarkPulse until 15:03:43, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 14:58:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:59:20][TRACE] Expired: PokeZZ: Snorlax at 48.836988,2.379434 with 85% IV Move1: LickFast Move2: HyperBeam until 14:46:50 [2016-09-03 14:59:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 14:59:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:00:20][TRACE] Expired: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 22.456540,114.141659 with 93% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunder until 14:49:01 [2016-09-03 15:00:22][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:00:22][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Victreebel at 22.996308,120.203982 with 70% IV, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 15:00:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:01:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:01:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:02:20][TRACE] Expired: Bot: Tentacruel at 21.030785,105.853204 with 59% IV Move1: PoisonJabFast Move2: HydroPump until 14:51:45 [2016-09-03 15:02:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:02:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:03:20][TRACE] Expired: PokemonGO 100IV CLUB:100_iv: Jynx at 59.293331,18.047284 with 100% IV [2016-09-03 15:03:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:03:52][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:04:22][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:04:53][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:05:23][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:05:53][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:06:23][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:06:53][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:07:23][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:07:53][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:08:23][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:08:53][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:09:23][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:09:53][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:10:25][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:10:53][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:11:23][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:11:54][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:12:10][DEBUG] My version: (or a later master). Remote version: [2016-09-03 15:12:10][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-03 15:12:10][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-03 15:12:10][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-03 15:12:10][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-03 15:12:11][INFO] Received 6 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:12:11][PKMN] Discovered: Pokesnipers: Vaporeon at 22.442495,114.025525 with 78% IV Move1: WaterGunFast Move2: WaterPulse until 15:12:15, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 15:12:11][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Muk at -23.549590,-46.661670 with 87% IV Move1: PoisonJabFast Move2: DarkPulse until 15:13:09, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 15:12:11][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Poliwrath at 59.327855,18.071806 with 55% IV Move1: BubbleFast Move2: Submission until 15:15:26, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 15:12:11][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Exeggutor at 22.285485,114.191727 with 60% IV Move1: ConfusionFast Move2: SolarBeam until 15:16:01, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 15:12:11][PKMN] Discovered: PokeZZ: Electabuzz at 42.319710,-83.037018 with 63% IV Move1: LowKickFast Move2: Thunderbolt until 15:17:53, Captures 0 [2016-09-03 15:12:41][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:13:11][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:13:41][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-09-03 15:14:11][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server
@ExcuseMi I need close and open to receive more pokemons
I think the problem is the combination of "VerifiedOnly": false, "MinimumIV": 40.0, Patched the server with a quick fix hopefully. Let me know if it works.
I use veriefedonly: true and minimumIV: 0
and it doesnt work, if i let it run for some time it shows me only like 1 pokemon, if i exit and restart it it shows me again minimum 5 pokemons :O:O:O
Hi, Sites like pokezz only seem to be showing the low level ones. the rare one arent appearing if that helps
@ExcuseMi Nope doesnt work
"IsManaged": true,==> set false, and showing more pokemon
"IsManaged": false, shows me nothing
@evetaku IsManaged False dont change anything
I've noticed the same today. It seems these sites actually are reporting less rare pokemon. Maybe the spawns were updated and they need some time to catch up.
now I'm using version0.1.6 instead...
@ExcuseMi Now dont show any
It's the sites showing less rare ones that are verified that's the issue. Normal ones are showing without a problem
@kamstar So we need wait for rare spawns
I'm no expert on this matter. However my techhy geek side seems to think so