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pokesniper,pokewatchers and pokezz server not showing any pokemon
even in the debug said discovered a pokemon its not showing in the main screen, only pokemon go iv club , pogofeeder and pokesnipe.de are only display .. skiplagged off verified only off
same here
Same thought it was only me hence using the old version.
Is there room for them on the screen? How many do you allow?
sama here.
Can you upload your config files? Do you have your minimum IV set?
sorry to bother , i already solve my issue i just only need to fix the time in my computer, as of now no problem and i cen see the other server now :) thanks
No lv. Config file is default apart from filter set to true
The time is fine in my computer
@kamstar here too, default config filter set to true and time is fine.
@ExcuseMi my config { "Port": 16969, "UsePokeSnipers": true, "UsePokezz": true, "UsePokewatchers": false, "PokeSnipers2Exe": "", "RemoveAfter": 2, "ShowLimit": 100, "VerifyOnSkiplagged": true, "UsePokemonGoIVClub": true, "UsePokeSnipe": true, "UseFilter": true, "UseGeoLocationBoundsFilter": false, "GeoLocationBounds": { "SouthWest": { "Latitude": 40.744627259246641, "Longitude": -74.006222741943361 }, "NorthEast": { "Latitude": 40.816119123701981, "Longitude": -73.903569238525392 } }, "AppTheme": "Dark", "IsServer": false, "IsManaged": true, "ServerHost": "pokefeeder.live", "ServerPort": 49000, "OutgoingServerPort": 49000, "ShareBotCaptures": true, "BotWebSocketPorts": [ 14251 ], "VerifiedOnly": true, "MinimumIV": 0.0 }
and in GUI, where's from pokezz and just shown 5 pokemon
Exactly same settings and same gui pic, Older version works fine
Not really sure what the problem is here ...
Can you try with this build?
@ExcuseMi Yeah this one works fine :+1: Seems to be showing them all
@ExcuseMi you're not set filter ? try set this in filter
[ "Venusaur", "Arcanine", "Golem", "Exeggutor", "Gyarados", "Lapras", "Vaporeon", "Snorlax", "Dratini", "Dragonair", "Dragonite" ]
showing less pokemon. its differect when i use v.1.8
this pict when i use v.1.8
@ExcuseMi and this v1.9 with same filer v1.8
@ExcuseMi and v1.9 working fine when IsManaged set to false. so i want ask what's function IsManaged ?
@ExcuseMi Hi, the version you posted earlier is doing the same. Havent changed no settings
Turn off skiplagged in the old version. It's giving you a lot of duplicates. 13 magikarps?
that pict with 13 magikarps just sample,when IsManaged set in false showing more pokemon
@evetaku best sniping list so far? The one you posted??
There are several alternatives to Pokezz to help you catch rare pokemons.