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基于jacoco,JGit 二次开发增量代码覆盖率工具

JaCoCo Java Code Coverage Library

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JaCoCo is a free Java code coverage library distributed under the Eclipse Public License. Check the project homepage for downloads, documentation and feedback.

Please use our mailing list for questions regarding JaCoCo which are not already covered by the extensive documentation.

Note: 欢迎一起开发,有问题提issue


  • 原理:通过使用org.eclipse.jgit比较新旧分支代码差分,取得变更行信息,生成报告时高亮线上变更行信息,未检出变更行不做处理。从而达到,增量显示代码覆盖率的目的。当然当不传代码分支时默认展示全量覆盖率。

  • 使用方法:

    2,自己动手模式:下载我的代码,执行mvn clean package -Dmaven.javadoc.test=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true自行打包。注意事项IDE下载后,在IDE中执行maven打包命令可能不成功。 建议在命令行中执行maven打包命令。打包成功后,用官网包lib/jacocoagent.jar 替换自己新打包生成的jacocoagent.jar文件,否则可能引起Tomcat无法启动。


package com.keking.report;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.Socket;

import org.jacoco.core.data.ExecutionDataWriter;
import org.jacoco.core.runtime.RemoteControlReader;
import org.jacoco.core.runtime.RemoteControlWriter;

public class ExecutionDataClient {
	private static final String DESTFILE = "E:\\Git-pro\\JacocoTest\\jacoco.exec";//导出的文件路径

	private static final String ADDRESS = "";//配置的Jacoco的IP

	private static final int PORT = 1024;//Jacoco监听的端口

	 * Starts the execution data request.
	 * @param args
	 * @throws IOException
	public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
		final FileOutputStream localFile = new FileOutputStream(DESTFILE);
		final ExecutionDataWriter localWriter = new ExecutionDataWriter(

		final Socket socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(ADDRESS), PORT);
		final RemoteControlWriter writer = new RemoteControlWriter(socket.getOutputStream());
		final RemoteControlReader reader = new RemoteControlReader(socket.getInputStream());

		// 发送Dump命令,获取Exec数据
		writer.visitDumpCommand(true, false);
		if (!reader.read()) {
			throw new IOException("Socket closed unexpectedly.");


	private ExecutionDataClient() {


package com.keking.report;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.jacoco.core.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.jacoco.core.analysis.CoverageBuilder;
import org.jacoco.core.analysis.IBundleCoverage;
import org.jacoco.core.internal.diff.GitAdapter;
import org.jacoco.core.tools.ExecFileLoader;
import org.jacoco.report.DirectorySourceFileLocator;
import org.jacoco.report.FileMultiReportOutput;
import org.jacoco.report.IReportVisitor;
import org.jacoco.report.MultiSourceFileLocator;
import org.jacoco.report.html.HTMLFormatter;

 * This example creates a HTML report for eclipse like projects based on a
 * single execution data store called jacoco.exec. The report contains no
 * grouping information.
 * The class files under test must be compiled with debug information, otherwise
 * source highlighting will not work.
public class ReportGenerator {

	private final String title;

	private final File executionDataFile;
	private final File classesDirectory;
	private final File sourceDirectory;
	private final File reportDirectory;

	private ExecFileLoader execFileLoader;

	 * Create a new generator based for the given project.
	 * @param projectDirectory
	public ReportGenerator(final File projectDirectory) {
		this.title = projectDirectory.getName();
		this.executionDataFile = new File(projectDirectory, "jacoco.exec");//第一步生成的exec的文件
		this.classesDirectory = new File(projectDirectory, "bin");//目录下必须包含源码编译过的class文件,用来统计覆盖率。所以这里用server打出的jar包地址即可,运行的jar或者Class目录
		this.sourceDirectory = new File(projectDirectory, "src/main/java");//源码目录
		this.reportDirectory = new File(projectDirectory, "coveragereport");////要保存报告的地址

	 * Create the report.
	 * @throws IOException
	public void create() throws IOException {

		// Read the jacoco.exec file. Multiple data files could be merged
		// at this point

		// Run the structure analyzer on a single class folder to build up
		// the coverage model. The process would be similar if your classes
		// were in a jar file. Typically you would create a bundle for each
		// class folder and each jar you want in your report. If you have
		// more than one bundle you will need to add a grouping node to your
		// report
		final IBundleCoverage bundleCoverage = analyzeStructure();



	private void createReport(final IBundleCoverage bundleCoverage)
			throws IOException {

		// Create a concrete report visitor based on some supplied
		// configuration. In this case we use the defaults
		final HTMLFormatter htmlFormatter = new HTMLFormatter();
		final IReportVisitor visitor = htmlFormatter.createVisitor(new FileMultiReportOutput(reportDirectory));

		// Initialize the report with all of the execution and session
		// information. At this point the report doesn't know about the
		// structure of the report being created

		// Populate the report structure with the bundle coverage information.
		// Call visitGroup if you need groups in your report.
		visitor.visitBundle(bundleCoverage, new DirectorySourceFileLocator(sourceDirectory, "utf-8", 4));
//		//多源码路径
//        MultiSourceFileLocator sourceLocator = new MultiSourceFileLocator(4);
//        sourceLocator.add( new DirectorySourceFileLocator(sourceDirectory1, "utf-8", 4));
//        sourceLocator.add( new DirectorySourceFileLocator(sourceDirectory2, "utf-8", 4));
//        sourceLocator.add( new DirectorySourceFileLocator(sourceDirectoryN, "utf-8", 4));
//        visitor.visitBundle(bundleCoverage,sourceLocator);

		// Signal end of structure information to allow report to write all
		// information out


	private void loadExecutionData() throws IOException {
		execFileLoader = new ExecFileLoader();

	private IBundleCoverage analyzeStructure() throws IOException {
		GitAdapter.setCredentialsProvider("QQ512433465", "mima512433465");
//		final CoverageBuilder coverageBuilder = new CoverageBuilder();
        //本地Git路径,新分支 第三个参数不传时默认比较maser,传参数为待比较的基线分支
		final CoverageBuilder coverageBuilder = new CoverageBuilder("E:\\Git-pro\\JacocoTest","daily");
        //基于Tag比较的覆盖 参数1:本地仓库,参数2:代码分支,参数3:新Tag(预发版本),参数4:基线Tag(变更前的版本)
        //final CoverageBuilder coverageBuilder = new CoverageBuilder("E:\\Git-pro\\JacocoTest","daily","v004","v003");
		final Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer(execFileLoader.getExecutionDataStore(), coverageBuilder);


		return coverageBuilder.getBundle(title);

	 * Starts the report generation process
	 * @param args
	 *            Arguments to the application. This will be the location of the
	 *            eclipse projects that will be used to generate reports for
	 * @throws IOException
	public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {

		final ReportGenerator generator = new ReportGenerator(new File("E:\\Git-pro\\JacocoTest"));



五 生成的差分报告展示






