Pascal Peyremorte
Pascal Peyremorte
Ok, I understand. I feel there is a "bug" : while he is in shadow mode, an admin (or reseller) must be able to access to all modules enabled for...
Hi, I saw you change. Adding the directive data-cfasync may work, but is it the correct solution ? I am thinking about the missing declaration type="text/javascript" which is reported as...
Is't it correct ? It enables a user to backup his account content when it got suspended, ie before a complete removal of his account. I have the feeling that...
@Edabio : 1) we do not read spanish. Sorry. Please try to write in EN. 2) the bug tracker is not a place for support. please use the forum 3)...
Most of the time, the master email is not set and leaved to zadmin@localhost which will not help. The best would be to be able to grab at setup the...
I propose myself to implement that : when a record is to be deleted in the database, at least 2 lines are added in a file "/etc/sentora/logs/deleted_records.log". The first line...
It is started, but as it involves many changes and is not imperatively required (not a locking bug), I'll not push it for the first release of Sentora : it...