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POST oauth/access_token
the call to oauth/access_token always fails with 401 code. The same library, code lines, works great with all other services like Twitter, Facebook etc and also I've tested signature function with third party tools and it works, confirmed by the fact it works for other API. I tried both sending verifier code and xauth, but nothing. As post parameters I send: oauth_verifier=nB9IpquPRJ42yJmfr9Rp
Into Auth post header I send the following parameters: oauth_consumer_key="CONSUMER_KEY", oauth_nonce="42419765", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_signature="vEFaeahLWX9MO0dc1G2a9Gc7Dec%3D", oauth_timestamp="1444381468", oauth_token="XTL7PIwiawt6zMgJuggxajgRWID6nEM77nHwBXDM", oauth_version="1.0"
That's all...
Said that it should be the standard procedure, Is there something wrong in my flow or something different I have to do with 500px API?
I'm also having a problem with 401 unauthorized. I've been running the same code for months with no problem, over the last few days my oauth signed url's no longer work and return 401 unauthorized with the following payload.
{"error":"Authorization required","status":401}
I've also tried using header authentication, with no luck. I'm currently looking at dropping ChromeExOAuth and writing my own implementation. Unless anyone can shed any light on what has changed within the last few days?
Have you already tried re-authorizing your application? Perhaps your authorization just ran out.
Tests were made also enabling auth step each time, so problem can't be there. Any tips by 500px engineers?
i've also run auth numerous times
After further investigation, my issue (implementation into a chrome extension) was resolved by adding additional permission settings in the manifest.json. These were not required previously, so I believe Chrome has tightened some permissions recently.
Would you share a complete Http working request? Thanks
Please try to obtain a new access token.