ripme copied to clipboard
Enable re-rippin` without physical existence of files in folder
Is it possible to make application create some sort of list of files,which will be main resource for checking new content? Main disadvantage of current scheme that u have to store it in download folder,but i wish to have ability to move it somewhere else(ex. to download bunch of wallpapers without any order in album,and move them to needed folder,without forcing to redownload them every time) And i got pretty large library with some bad images,but deleting them won't make them appear again after re-ripping.
I can tell that's relatively easy to do in Java.
I was thinking about using an SQLite database, but it's likely overkill for 99% of users, not to mention editing it requires a more special software and not really too easy. JSON and YAML would be powerful ways since they'd allow to make complex lists, but JSON is highly techy, but then again YAML ain't completely not techy either.
i could do this but ripper to hard for me to understand the simplest way to do this is to check filename(and/or check size)with list of files,which was made after rippin i do not think json is needed here,simple txt with 1 filename on 1 line is enough
^ It'd have to do something with the saving path to be sure it's the correct file cuz it can't be just a filename, it has to be a full path to the file while taking the save path in RipMe into account. Saving just this much data would answer only 1 question: is a file with this name on the computer ? It might be enough for every case.
^ yeah,it would be pretty much 99% hit in target for my request(for other use-case there is Visipics) but is it hard to make this?
I can't find the issue right now but I'm pretty sure this is a duplicate and definitely high on the list of want-to-have items IMO. Would improve the re-rip experience by a lot.
Might be a big enough feature to warrant a minor version bump. I'll mark this as vNext milestone.