Krot Eval

Results 156 issues of Krot Eval

Hi! Nova v3.30.0 digital-creative/resource-navigation-tab (v1.1.1) ![image](

Case: only filters are displayed and there is no need to show these headers and buttons. They take up a lot of screen space. ![image](


## Which version are you using? v3.4.1 Output: ``` app.ERROR: InvalidArgumentException: Given URI "" does not contain a valid host IP in /var/www/vendor/react/socket/src/TcpConnector.php:34 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/vendor/react/socket/src/SecureConnector.php(44): React\Socket\TcpConnector->connect('tcp://api.teleg...') #1 /var/www/vendor/react/socket/src/TimeoutConnector.php(24):...

Hi! ``` dmitrybubyakin/nova-medialibrary-field 4.0.1 laravel/nova 4.15.2 ``` ```php Medialibrary::make('name', 'avatar'), ``` If I just open create form I get error: ``` https://od.localhost/nova-vendor/dmitrybubyakin/nova-medialibrary-field/categories/undefined/media/name?fieldUuid=76127e81-b1bc-4299-b1f2-6caf8c6e6b11 ``` ``` SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR:...

Hi! For example I chose 2 files to upload. Then I changed my mind and want to upload only one of those files and want not to upload the other...

Hi! I just try code from examples: ```php Medialibrary::make('name', 'avatar')->single(), Medialibrary::make('Media')->fields(function () { return [ Text::make('File Name', 'file_name') ->rules('required', 'min:2'), Text::make('Tooltip', 'custom_properties->tooltip') ->rules('required', 'min:2'), GeneratedConversions::make('Conversions') ->withTooltips(), ]; }), ``` and...

src: `{"bankruptcy":null}` ``` $src = {array} [1] bankruptcy = null ``` dst: `{"bankruptcy":24}` ``` $dst = {array} [1] bankruptcy = {int} 24 ``` ``` { "message": "count(): Parameter must be...

Case: `somecommand -a 5 -b 6 --something 's t r i n g'`

```php InlineSelect::make(__('Status'), 'status') ->options([...]) ->exceptOnForms() ->inlineOnIndex()->inlineOnDetail(), ```


Case: state machine. Display on select only possible transitions. After update value return to frontend new array of possible transitions.