finance-project-ddd copied to clipboard
Projeto financeiro usando domain driven design, tdd, arquitetura hexagonal e solid
Allow import of a bank statement with multiple receipt or payment transactions
- [ ] refactor the object to an individual error message - [ ] add multi-language support
☐ Unregister a "SAIDA" use case DTO ☐ Unregister a "SAIDA" use case ☐ Unregister a "SAIDA" mutation
☐ Unregister a "ENTRADA" use case DTO ☐ Unregister a "ENTRADA" use case ☐ Unregister a "ENTRADA" mutation
☐ Upload a new attachment use case DTO ☐ Upload a new attachment use case ☐ Upload a new attachment mutation
☐ Transform a non percentage box on percentage box one use case DTO ☐ Transform a non percentage box on percentage box one use case ☐ Transform a non percentage...
☐ Transform budget box on non percentage box use case DTO ☐ Transform budget box on non percentage box use case ☐ Transform budget box on non percentage mutation