
Results 3 comments of 4698to

amWiki.docs.js 文件里的 423 行到425 行注释掉就行了, `//增加"\"符转义功能 /* content = content.replace(/\\(.)/g, function (m, s1) { return '&#' + s1.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; });*/`

> 能否在 “从剪切板黏贴截图”自动生成的路径前面加个“/”,而不影响网页显示图片效果,这样就可以同时在编辑器预览图片,而不需要每次切到网页预览整体效果。 pasterImg.js ---- 222行 : var tempImgPath = '![](/' + resFolder + relativePath[relativePath.length - 1] + ')'; 264行 : var tempImgPath = '![](/assets/' + relativePath[relativePath.length - 1] +...

> @4698to As `fileIn` is a maxscript command, it seems to be a 3ds Max limitation? What version of 3ds Max have you been testing with? ---------------------------------------------- i fix it...