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ESLint rules for Web Components

Results 11 eslint-plugin-wc issues
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Bumps [minimist]( from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6. Commits 7efb22a 1.2.6 ef88b93 security notice for additional prototype pollution issue c2b9819 isConstructorOrProto adapted from PR bc8ecee test from prototype pollution PR See full...


I've been doing a lot of workshops where people learn to use lit-html. One of the most common mistakes is to forget calling super.connectedCallback() when using lit-element. This would be...

It should be relatively easy to produce a fix for `wc/no-closed-shadow-root` rule on error. Taking `.attachShadow({ mode: 'closed' })` to `.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })`

help wanted

It should be relatively simple to add a fix for `wc/guard-super-call` Take a simple error state such as: ```js connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this.setAttribute('bar', 'baz'); } ``` and change it to...

help wanted

As @bennypowers points out in his tweet, It can be detrimental to performance to set `innerHTML` inside the constructor. To accomplish this in a more performant way, you can...

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new lint rule

I have seen quite a bit recently a pattern of a static getter or property for the component name. We could fairly easily add an opt-in rule for this. Something...

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new lint rule

You could in theory have constructor parameters as long as they are optional: ```ts class Foo extends HTMLElement { constructor(a?: string, b?: string) { // fine } } ``` We...

> Global attributes are those that are present on all HTML elements. Some examples include `tabindex` and `role`. A custom element may wish to set its initial `tabindex` to `0`...

new lint rule

Bumps [@babel/traverse]( from 7.14.2 to 7.23.2. Release notes Sourced from @​babel/traverse's releases. v7.23.2 (2023-10-11) NOTE: This release also re-publishes @babel/core, even if it does not appear in the linked release...


It'd be nice to ignore abstract classes by default. Yes, I know you have to use @typescript-eslint/parser as parser, but please. :P edit: Oh, you already depends on typescript-eslint, then...