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[REQ] Support External IR Remotes
Is it possible to include support for 3.5mm auxiliary IR transmitters?
Theoretically, it is, but we have to deal with the drivers. We would really appreciate if you could help us with this project.
All the app has to do is send the off signals as audio through the headphone jack. No drivers or such should be needed.
No drivers or such should be needed.
That's only partially true, we do need a program or subroutine that takes the signals and converts them into the corresponding audio files. Everything else should be fairly simple.
That's only partially true, we do need a program or subroutine that takes the signals and converts them into the corresponding audio files.
Wow, that sounds like a lot of work! @Limero and @chrisvella , maybe you could help with it?
@42SK @chrisvella @Limero @jorge705 Annual bump.
Hello, Take a look a this Audacity Plugin. As you can see, you can record any IR signal and use this plugin to re-emit it. I suggest to record the all brands sequence and just make an audio file to emit. But you can't select specific brands... And it's not very cool because you have to re-record at any update... So, why not create a function to convert the ON/OFF IR signal sequence to an audio file ?
Wow! Now all we need is to wait until @42SK sees this!
I suggest to record the all brands sequence and just make an audio file to emit. But you can't select specific brands...
Theoretically, one could record a single audio file for each pattern. However, prerecording the audio files would indeed be problematic, since it would make adding new patterns a lot more complicated. In addition to that, I'm not sure how large the application will get if we add a bunch of audio files… A more convenient solution would of course be to generate the files at runtime. And yes, that would require some function that converts the signals into an audio file. The question is, how do we implement a function that converts the IR patterns into audio signals?
@42SK @Limero @chrisvella @Elegary Maybe this could be useful?
Maybe this could be useful?
That question is concerned with decoding audio signals; we, however, have to encode them.