TKImageView copied to clipboard
An easy way to crop an image.
An easy way to crop an image.
- Both iPhone/iPad available
- Support pinch gesture to zoom
- Support pan gesture to move&resize
- Support cutomize line width and color
- Support cross line and middle line
System requirements
- iOS 7.0 or higher
name | type | description |
toCropImage | UIImage | 待裁剪的图片。 The image you want to crop. |
needScaleCrop | BOOL | 是否需要缩放裁剪。 Determines whether you need to scale crop with pinch gesture or not. |
showMidLines | BOOL | 是否需要显示每条边中间的线,这条中间线支持拖动手势。 Show the lines in the middle of each border, which can receive pan gesture to resize the crop area when the aspect ratio is ZERO. |
showCrossLines | BOOL | 是否显示裁剪框内的交叉线。 Show the cross lines in the crop area. |
cropAspectRatio | CGFloat | 设置裁剪框的宽高比。 The aspect retio you want to crop the image, equals to WIDTH / HEIGHT. |
cropAreaBorderLineColor | UIColor | 设置裁剪边框的颜色。 The color of border lines. |
cropAreaBorderLineWidth | CGFloat | 设置裁剪边框的线宽。 The width of border lines. |
cropAreaCornerLineColor | UIColor | 设置裁剪边框四个角的颜色。 The line color of the corner. |
cropAreaCornerLineWidth | CGFloat | 设置裁剪边框四个角的线宽。 The line width of the corner. |
cropAreaCornerWidth | CGFloat | 设置裁剪边框四个角的宽度,这里指角的横边的长度。 The width of the corner area, indicate the length of the horizontal line of the corner. |
cropAreaCornerHeight | CGFloat | 设置裁剪边框四个角的高度,这里指角的竖边的长度。 The height of the corner area, indicate the length of the vertical line of the corner. |
minspace | CGFloat | 相邻角之间的最小距离。 The minimum distance between the corners. |
cropAreaCrossLineWidth | CGFloat | 裁剪框内交叉线的宽度。 The width of cross lines. |
cropAreaCrossLineColor | UIColor | 裁剪框内交叉线的颜色。 The color of cross lines. |
cropAreaMidLineWidth | CGFloat | 裁剪边框每条边中间线的长度。 The width of middle lines. |
cropAreaMidLineHeight | CGFloat | 裁剪边框每条边中间线的线宽。 The height of middle lines. |
cropAreaMidLineColor | UIColor | 裁剪边框每条边中间线的颜色。 The color of middle lines. |
maskColor | UIColor | 裁剪区域的蒙板颜色。 The color of the mask view which is always transparent black. |
cornerBorderInImage | BOOL | 裁剪边框的四个角是否可以超出图片显示。 Whether the corner border inside the image or not. |
TKImageView supports both initWithFrame and initWithCoder to initialize.You can customize your TKImageView instance with the properties to match your design.
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet TKImageView *tkImageView;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
_tkImageView.toCropImage = [UIImage imageNamed: @"test.jpg"];
_tkImageView.showMidLines = YES;
_tkImageView.needScaleCrop = YES;
_tkImageView.showCrossLines = YES;
_tkImageView.cornerBorderInImage = NO;
_tkImageView.cropAreaCornerWidth = 44;
_tkImageView.cropAreaCornerHeight = 44;
_tkImageView.minSpace = 30;
_tkImageView.cropAreaCornerLineColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
_tkImageView.cropAreaBorderLineColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
_tkImageView.cropAreaCornerLineWidth = 8;
_tkImageView.cropAreaBorderLineWidth = 6;
_tkImageView.cropAreaMidLineWidth = 30;
_tkImageView.cropAreaMidLineHeight = 8;
_tkImageView.cropAreaMidLineColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
_tkImageView.cropAreaCrossLineColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
_tkImageView.cropAreaCrossLineWidth = 6;
You can get the cropped image by this function.
- (UIImage *)currentCroppedImage;
Bug&Feature Report
If you find any bugs in my code or you think it is useful to add some features in this tool, please write a issue or mail to me [email protected], thanks a lot!