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A collection of my configuration files. Mainly intended for configuring Arch Linux and Neovim (Lua).

Arch Linux Everforest Ricing

⚠️ This repository is no longer maintained! I've switched from X11 to Wayland (Hyprland). You can find the new repository over here:

This is a straight-forward guide for ricing Arch Linux with the Everforest colorscheme theme.

I use a minimal install of Arch Linux on UTM (QEMU virtual machine) on a Macbook Air M1 (2020). This guide should also work with the new Macbook Air M2 and the Pro versions.

Also in the directory asus you will find configurations for Arch Linux on bare metal. The configurations for your system may vary.

ℹ️ If you already have a running Arch system with the necessary packets installed, you can go to the Quick Ricing section.

What's the final result?

Your Arch system should look something like this using my config files:

Arch Everforest Rice

⚠️ Caution: If you are installing Arch on a virtual machine you won't have the blur effect like in the image above because there is no hardware acceleration.

Arch Installation Guide

ℹ️ For help with the installation process watch my video:

Console keyboard layout

Find out which keyboard layout you are using and then set it using loadkeys:

$ ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/**/*.map.gz
$ loadkeys de_CH-latin1

Console font

This step is not really necessary, but the Terminus font may appear cleaner than the default one:

$ setfont Lat2-Terminus16


Check the name of the hard disk:

fdisk -l

Use the name (in my case vda) to start the fdisk partitioning tool:

fdisk /dev/vda


Run the following command:

$ ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars

If the command shows the directory without error, then the system is booted in UEFI mode. Else you have to use BIOS mode.


Press g to create a new GPT Partition Table.

We will do it according to the example layout of the Arch wiki:

Mount point Partition Partition type Suggested size
/mnt/boot /dev/efi_system_partition uefi At least 300 MiB
[SWAP] /dev/swap_partition swap More than 512 MiB
/mnt /dev/root_partition linux Remainder of device
Create boot partition
  1. Press n.
  2. Press Enter to use the default first sector.
  3. Enter +300M for the last sector.
  4. Press t and choose 1 and write uefi.
Create swap partition
  1. Press n.
  2. Press Enter to use the default first sector.
  3. Enter +512M for the last sector.
  4. Press t and choose 2 and write swap.
Create root partition
  1. Press n.
  2. Press Enter to use the default first sector.
  3. Enter Enter to use the default last sector.
  4. Press t and choose 3 and write linux.

⚠️* When you are done partitioning don't forget to press w to save the changes!

After partitioning check if the partitions have been created using fdisk -l.

Partition formatting
$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/root_partition
$ mkswap /dev/swap_partition
$ mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/efi_system_partition
Mounting the file system
$ mount /dev/root_partition /mnt
$ mount --mkdir /dev/efi_system_partition /mnt/boot
$ swapon /dev/swap_partition


Press o to create a new GPT Partition Table.

We will do it according to the example layout of the Arch wiki:

Mount point Partition Partition type Suggested size
[SWAP] /dev/swap_partition swap More than 512 MiB
/mnt /dev/root_partition linux Remainder of device
Create swap partition
  1. Press n.
  2. Press Enter to select the default primary partition type.
  3. Press Enter to use the default first sector.
  4. Enter +512M for the last sector.
  5. Press t and choose 1 and write swap.
Create root partition
  1. Press n.
  2. Press Enter to select the default primary partition type.
  3. Press Enter to use the default first sector.
  4. Enter Enter to use the default last sector.
  5. Press t and choose 2 and write linux.
Make partition bootable

Press a and choose 2 to make the root partition bootable.

⚠️* When you are done partitioning don't forget to press w to save the changes!

After partitioning check if the partitions have been created using fdisk -l.

Partition formatting
$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/root_partition
$ mkswap /dev/swap_partition
Mounting the file system
$ mount /dev/root_partition /mnt
$ swapon /dev/swap_partition

Package install

For a minimal system download and install these packages:

$ pacstrap -K /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware e2fsprogs dhcpcd networkmanager sof-firmware git neovim man-db man-pages texinfo

ℹ️ If you are installing Arch Linux on a computer with ARM architecture add the following to the above pacstrap command:


⚠️ If you get errors due to key then do the following:

  1. Initialize pacman keys and populate them:
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate
  1. Synchronize Arch keyring:

Last steps

Generate fstab file

$ genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

Change root into new system

$ arch-chroot /mnt

Set time zone

$ ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Region/City /etc/localtime
$ hwclock --systohc


Edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 and other needed locales. Generate the locales by running:

$ locale-gen

Create /etc/locale.conf and set the LANG variable according to your preferred language:


Create /etc/vconsole.conf and set the following variables according to your preferred language:


Network configurations

Create /etc/hostname and type any name you wish as your hostname:


Edit /etc/hosts like this: localhost
::1 localhost arch (your host name here!)


$ mkinitcpio -P

Root password

Set a new password for root:

$ passwd



Install grub and efibootmgr:

$ pacman -S grub efibootmgr

Run the following command:

$ grub-install --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB

Then create a GRUB config file:

$ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Install grub:

$ pacman -S grub

Check using fdisk -l to see the name of the disk (not partition!) and run the following command:

$ grub-install /dev/sdX

/dev/sdX could for example stand for /dev/sda (not /dev/sda1!)

Then create a GRUB config file:

$ grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Final step

Exit out of the chroot environment by typing exit or pressing Ctrl+d.

Unmount all the partitions:

$ umount -R /mnt

Then type poweroff and remove the installation disk from the virtual machine.

System-related Configurations

Enable network connection

To use pacman you first have to have a working internet connection by enabling NetworkManager:

$ systemctl start NetworkManager
$ systemctl enable NetworkManager

Check if you receive data from the Google Server by running this command:

$ ping

Update the system

First things first: Update the system!

$ pacman -Syu

sudo Command

$ pacman -S sudo

Add your personal user account

$ useradd -m -g users -G wheel,storage,power,video,audio,input <your username>
$ passwd <your username>

Grant root access to our user

$ EDITOR=nvim visudo

Uncomment the following line:


You can then login as your newly created user:

$ su <your username>

If you wish to have the default XDG directories (like Downloads, Pictures, Documents etc.) do:

$ sudo pacman -S xdg-user-dirs
$ xdg-user-dirs-update

Install AUR package manager

To install yay:

$ sudo pacman -S git
$ mkdir aur
$ cd aur
$ git clone
$ cd yay
$ makepkg -si

Guest tools

SPICE support on guest (for UTM)

This will enhance graphics and improve support for multiple monitors or clipboard sharing.

$ sudo pacman -S spice-vdagent xf86-video-qxl

Guest additions (for VirtualBox)

This will enhance graphics and improve support for multiple monitors or clipboard sharing.

$ sudo pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils


$ sudo pacman -S pulseaudio
$ sudo pacman -S alsa-utils alsa-plugins
$ sudo pacman -S pavucontrol

PulseAudio Applet:

$ yay -S pa-applet-git


$ sudo pacman -S openssh
$ sudo pacman -S iw wpa_supplicant

NetworkManager Applet:

$ sudo pacman -S network-manager-applet

Enable SSH, DHCP and NM:

$ sudo systemctl enable sshd
$ sudo systemctl enable dhcpcd


$ sudo pacman -S bluez bluez-utils blueman
$ sudo systemctl enable bluetooth


To beautify Pacman use:

$ sudo nvim /etc/pacman.conf

Uncomment Color and add below it ILoveCandy.

ℹ️ If you have a good internet connection, you can uncomment the option ParallelDownloads = 5.

Enable SSD Trim

$ sudo systemctl enable fstrim.timer

Enable Time Synchronization

$ sudo pacman -S ntp
$ sudo systemctl enable ntpd

Then enable NTP:

$ timedatectl set-ntp true

Graphical User Interface (GUI) Settings


$ sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-apps xorg-xinit xclip xdotool xorg-drivers

ℹ️ If there is a NVIDIA GPU in your computer you can run the following command to create automatically a xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

$ nvidia-xconfig


$ sudo pacman -S i3

After installing X and i3 create a file .xinitrc in your home directory with the following content:

exec i3

This way you can start the X server with the command startx.


If running outside UMT we need drivers:


sudo pacman -S xf86-video-intel xf86-video-qxl intel-media-driver mesa


sudo pacman -S xf86-video-nouveau nvidia libva-mesa-driver


$ sudo pacman -S picom


$ sudo pacman -S noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji ttf-firacode-nerd

To support Asian letters:

$ sudo pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk


$ sudo pacman -S zsh

Change default shell to zsh:

$ chsh -s $(which zsh)


$ sudo pacman -S rxvt-unicode alacritty kitty


The editor should already be installed after running the pacstrap command in the installation process. You can use other editors like nano too.

$ sudo pacman -S neovim


$ sudo pacman -S dmenu rofi

Some additional stuff for rofi:

$ sudo pacman -S rofi-emoji rofi-calc

Status Bar

$ sudo pacman -S polybar

File Manager

$ sudo pacman -S ranger

For previews we also need feh and Überzug:

$ sudo pacman -S feh ueberzug


$ sudo pacman -S firefox

Media Player

$ sudo pacman -S vlc

PDF Viewer

$ sudo pacman -S zathura zathura-pdf-mupdf


Check these amazing wallpapers that harmonize with the Everforest theme:

Other Tools

CLI utilities

$ sudo pacman -S tldr fzf tar gzip htop neofetch
  • tldr: Commands cheat sheet
  • fzf: Fuzzy finder
  • tar: Enzipping/Unzipping
  • gzip: Enzipping/Unzipping
  • htop: CLI task manager
  • neofetch: System information

Alternatives to traditional commands

$ sudo pacman -S fd ripgrep bat lsd tree-sitter tree-sitter-cli
  • fd: Alternative to find command
  • ripgrep: Alternative to grep command
  • bat: Alternative to cat command
  • lsd: Alternative to ls command
  • tree-sitter & tree-sitter-cli: Real syntax highlighting in Neovim

GUI utilities

$ sudo pacman -S maim
  • maim: Screenshot utiliy

Languages, protocols, shells

$ sudo pacman -S codespell go luarocks ruby rubygems composer php nodejs npm yarn python python-pip jre-openjdk jdk-openjdk julia wget curl
$ yay -S powershell-bin

These programming languages, protocols or shells are not that important to install if you don't need them. I installed all of them to avoid warnings in the mason.nvim report when running the :checkhealth command in Neovim.


When done installing the necessary packages, run the reboot command.

Quick Ricing

You can either clone the repository and move the files manually to your ~/.config directory or you could use the installer:

$ git clone ~/Downloads/dotfiles && cd ~/Downloads/dotfiles

Then run the script:

$ ./

If you are on VirtualBox, run this command instead:

$ ./ vbox

If you are on UTM (or QEMU), run this command instead:

$ ./ utm

If you want to copy the config files manually you also have to install these packages manually: