expirable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
expirable copied to clipboard

Expirable cache for node.js, FUCKING AWESOME YO!


Automatic expiring "cache" for Node.js. There must be tons of modules like these, but I couldn't find anyone that suites my needs. Just something simple but useful enought to transformed in to a module. Oh and the syntax is pretty as well <3


var Expirable = require('expirable');

// all the keys you stuff in to the cache are saved for 5 minutes.
var cache = new Expirable('5 minutes');

// add a new item to the cache, expires in 5 minutes, as that is what we
// configured above.
cache.set('key', value);

// add item to the cache, but for 10 minutes.
cache.set('key', value, '10 minutes');

// get item from the cache, this will automatically update the internal last
// used value, so it will be expired after 5 minutes, without any interaction
value = cache.get('key');

// same as above, except it will not touch the internal last used value and it
// will expire 5 minutes after you have set it
value = cache.get('key', true);

// check if a value exists
cache.has('key') ? 'yes' : 'no';

// remove a key from the cache.

// when a key is removed from the cache it will emit an event for it. This is
// useful when you want to re-cache an item again when it expires.
cache.on('key:removed', function (expired) {
  // The expired boolean tells you if the key was removed because it was expired
  // or if it was a manual removal

// update the expiree of a key
cache.expire('key', '10 seconds');
cache.expire('kex'); // alias for cache.remove, as it expired directly

// stop the interal setinterval that scan for out of date keys

// start it again.

// kill everything, nuke that motherfucker.

// Oh! so you want to store the output of a Stream? sure!
var stream = cache.stream('key', fs.createReadStream(..), '10 seconds');

// stream is the result of fs.createReadStream
// once the stream fires it's `done` event, we will store the data.

// iterate over the cache
cache.forEach(function (key, value) {
  console.log(key, value);
