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Generate text for your mockups in multiple languages ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As of July 19, 2018 updates are being made!

Changes to come include:

  • A new user friendly UI
  • Emoji flags for supported languages ✅
  • Removal of keyboard shortcuts ✅
  • A fresh README ✅

If there are any ideas for Foreign Ipsum that you want to share please open an issue with your idea!

Foreign Ipsum


Generate text for your mockups in multiple languages.

License Sketch Version Foreign Ipsum Version License License


  • 🌍 Inspired by friends and family from around the world
  • 💬 Based on languages spoken globally
  • 🎉 Open source
  • 🌊 If you like Foreign Ipsum please consider supporting me on Patreon

How to use Foreign Ipsum

  1. Create a text layer
  2. Leave the exit state
  3. Choose the layer in the side panel or by clicking on it
  4. Go to the Plugin Menu
  5. Choose Foreign Ipsum
  6. Select the language you want to fill the layer with and click on it
  7. You're done 🎉


My family is extended across the globe. A major inspiration for Foreign Ipsum is my friends and family all over the world. I wanted to make a plugin which incorporated the languages they spoke so I sent them messages asking for random texts in the languages they knew. With their replies, Foreign Ipsum's content is what they came back with.

Releases & Updates

Adding your language

Check the CONTRIBUTING file to see how you can add your language to Foreign Ipsum

  • Yes, you can add to a language that already has something written for it.


Using Sketch Runner

With Sketch Runner, just go to the install command and search for Foreign Ipsum.

Install Foreign Ipsum with Sketch Runner

Using Sketchpacks

Search for Foreign Ipsum in Sketchpacks, install it directly by clicking here or clicking the badge below.


Download the zip file by clicking here or clicking on the green Clone or download button at the top right of the repo.

Example Gif (Will be updated)

Install Foreign Ipsum with Sketch Runner

Writers & Supported Languages

Click here to expand and view writers and supported languages

Danish — Johan

What did Johan write?

Jeg spiser en banan med chokolade på. En isvaffel koster mange penge, men smager godt. Skibe transporterer vare frem og tilbage i havnen.

Which translates to:

I am eating a banana with chocolate on it. An ice cream cone costs a lot of money but tastes good. Ships transport wares in and out of the harbor.

Dutch — Emma & Maijken

What did Emma write?

Ik hou van eten, vooral lekker eten. Mijn favoriete eten is sushi. Ik hou ook van vakantie. Avary is heel erg verbrand vandaag. Ze is heel zielig want ze heeft heel veel pijn, Beterschap Ave! Mijn tuin is mooi en het leven ook! Doei!

Which translates to:

I love food, especially good food. My favorite food is sushi. I also love vacation. Avary got burned really bad today. I feel bad for her cause she is in a lot of pain, get well soon ave! My yard is pretty, so is my life! Bye!

What did Maijken write?

Aardbeien zijn lekker. Ik heb vandaag nieuwe schoenen gekocht en ze zijn heel mooi. Als je het heet hebt moet je in een zwembad springen. Ik ben gisteren van een ladder gevallen en het deed veel pijn. School is stom. Gras is groen.

Which translates to:

Strawberries are good. I bought new shoes today and they are very nice (looking). If you are hot you have to jump in a pool. Yesterday I fell from a ladder and it hurt a lot. School is not fun. Grass is green.

English — Braxton

What did Braxton write?

How do we know that rain isn't tears falling from sad clouds? They could be but you've never asked a cloud, have you? Birds fly but ostriches can’t and they are birds. I wonder if there is a reason behind that. I really like days where it rains all day, it is super relaxing. Birds actually fly backward which means that planes do the same. You should listen to music instead of eating. It makes you feel better.

Which translates to:

How do we know that rain isn't tears falling from sad clouds? They could be but you've never asked a cloud, have you? Birds fly but ostriches can’t and they are birds. I wonder if there is a reason behind that. I really like days where it rains all day, it is super relaxing. Birds actually fly backward which means that planes do the same. You should listen to music instead of eating. It makes you feel better.

French — Marie

What did Marie write?

Je déteste faire du sport, cependant je vais à tout mes entraînements. J'en ai besoin parce que la vie Américaine m'a transformé (lol). Aujourd'hui c'était ma première compétition; je crois définitivement que le sport n'a pas été inventé pour moi...😂😂

Which translates to:

I hate playing sports, however, I'm going to all my practices. I need to because the American life has changed me (lol). Today, it was my first meet; I definitely believe that sports weren't invented for me..😂😂
Je suis fatiguée et suis couchée sur le canapé. J'aime vraiment faire du vélo. Elle est une très jolie femme. L'océan est bleu et très grand. J'ai acheté des nouvelles chaussures aujourd'hui et elles sont vraiment jolies. Si tu as chaud tu dois sauter dans la piscine. Hier, je suis tombée d'une échelle et ca fait très mal.

Which translates to:

I am tired and am lying on the sofa. I really like to ride my bike. She is a beautiful woman. The ocean is blue and very big. I bought new shoes today and they are very nice looking. If you are hot you have to jump in a pool. yesterday i fell from a ladder and it hurt a lot.

Galician — Silvia

What did Silvia write?

Os paxariños das árbores fican os xornais onde xente de Nova Iork come mazás cun coitelo dourado. A miña nai come eses paxariños cando ninguén está a mirar, eu penso que é razoable seica o canibalismo é ilegal (penso eu). O meu irmán de acollida ten un burato nos seus pantalóns. O can ládralle ás catro da mañá para que esperte.

Which translates to

The little birds on the trees look at the newspapers where people from New York eat apples with a golden knife. My mom eats those little birds when no one looks, I think it's reasonable although cannibalism it's illegal (I think). My host brother has red hair and his pants have a hole in them. The dog barks at him at 4 AM so he wakes up.

German — Johan

What did Johan write?

Ich bin müde und liege auf dem Sofa. Ich fahre sehr gerne Fahrrad. Sie ist eine schöne Frau. Der Ozean ist blau und sehr groß.

Which translates to:

I am tired and am lying on the sofa. I really like to ride my bike. She is a beautiful woman. The ocean is blue and very big.

Italian — Alessandro & Sara

What did Alessandro write?

Amo il gelato. Non importa quanto possa fare freddo, letteralmente nulla può fermarmi dal mangiarlo anche d'inverno

Which translates to:

I love ice cream. It doesn't matter how cold it is, literally nothing can stop me from eating it also during winter

What did Sara write?

Mi piace nuotare. Nessuno dovrebbe mettere il formaggio sul pesce perché è disgustoso. Mi piace l'estate. Odio la pioggia. La pizza italiana è la migliore e tutti dovrebbero provarla. Adoro il gelato. Ascoltare la musica è la cosa migliore per rilassarsi.

Which translates to:

I like swimming. No one should put cheese on fish because it's disgusting. I love summer. I hate the rain. The Italian pizza is the best and everyone should try it. I love ice cream. Listen to music is the best thing to relax.

Norwegian — Sara

Jeg elsker å spille fotball og håndball, men i Amerika vil jeg heller være med venner og spise. Nå er det bare noen måneder igjen før jeg reiser hjem til Norge å får se familie og venner igjen. Men jeg gleder meg mest til å se hunden min igjen.

Which translates to:

I love playing soccer and handball, but in America I would rather hangout with my friends and eat fast food. Now it's only a couple of months until I'm going home to Norway and I get to see my family and friends again. But I'm most excited to see my dog again.

Portuguese — Cami

What did Cami write?

Eu gosto de escutar música enquanto me arrumo para sair. Eu não gosto de você. Eu gosto de você. Eu tenho que lavar meu cabelo. Essa garota que está cantando tem uma voz bonita. Eu queria poder cantar. Parece que todo mundo tem o mesmo sapato. Eu não quero te dar o meu número. Eu não gosto de você, eu gosto dela. Eu não sei se ela gosta de mim.

Which translates to:

I like to listen to music while i'm getting ready to go out. I don't like you. I like you. I have to wash my hair. This girl that is singing has a beautiful voice. I wish I could sing. Everybody seems to have the same shoes. I don't want to give my number. I don't like you, I like her. I don't know if she likes me. I don't want to give my number. I don't like you, I like her. I don't know if she likes me.

Spanish — Silvia

What did Silvia write?

Solamente necesito tomar cereales con leche. El queso está bueno, y también lo están las galletas. Me encanta mojar mis nachos en chocolate. Las bufandas son útiles para mantenerte caliente, también tienen estilo. Solo necesito tirarme desde un avión con una bufanda para no coger un catarro. Mi perro es negro, mi rata es blanca. Mis padres quieren que tenga un hijo. El colegio es útil si te quieres morir.

Which translates to

I just need to eat cereal with milk. Cheese is good and so are cookies. I love to dip my nachos in chocolate. Scarves are useful to keep you warm, they are stylish too. I just need to jump off a plane with a scarf on so I don't get a cold. My dog is black, my rat is white. My parents want me to have a child. School is useful if you want to die.

Swedish — Ilse

What did Ilse write?

Blommor doftar gott. Flingor med mjölk är inte gott, flingor är bara gott med filmjölk. Hundar är mycket bättre än katter men bästa djuret av alla måste ändå vara valrossar. Rosor är röda violer är blå jag gillar himmelen med moln på. Go och glad kexchoklad. Svensk godis är det bästa som finns skulle kunna äta ihjäl mig på sura skallar. Nu vattnas min mun bara för att jag skrev det.

Which translates to:

Flowers smell good. Cereal with milk is disgusting, cereal is only good with sour youghurt. Dogs are better than cats but the best animal of all has to be walruses. Roses are red vilots are blue I like skies with clouds on. Happy and nice kexchoklad. Swedish candy is the best thing in the world, I could die eating sour skulls. Now my mouth is watering just because I wrote that.

Turkish — Ahmet Ozan

What did Ozan write?

Karabiberim vur kadehlere hadi içelim, içelim her gece. Zevki sefa doldu gönlüme. Hadi içelim acıların yerine. Buralara yaz günü kar yağıyor canım ölene kadar seni bekleyemem. Ona buna benzemem oyuna gelmem senin için ölmeye söz veremem.

Which translates to:

Shake my peas Let's drink by the glasses, drink every night. Pleasure is full of pleasure. Let's drink instead of your aches. It's snowing on a summer's day I can not wait for you until I die. I can not promise to die for you if I do not come to the game like this to him. Great poet Serdar Ortaç.


Support Foreign Ipsum on Patreon to help development of this plugin continue strong. I create & work on open source projects such as Foreign Ipsum for free. If you or your company depend on this project, it makes sense to donate in order to help ensure that the project is maintained.


Licensed under the MIT License by Braxton Huff

Hopefully this code helps you out and treats you well! Cheers!