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Python module for accessing BCA API

====== cpybca

:Author: Christoforus Surjoputro [email protected] :Date: $Date: 2017-07-04 $ :Version: $Version: 1.2.0 $ :License: MIT License

.. role:: python(code) :language: python

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/3mp3ri0r/cpybca.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/3mp3ri0r/cpybca

.. contents:: Table of content


cpybca_ is python module to access BCA API. In this version, you can check balance, account statement (history), and transfer fund.

Python version

This module work on python 3.4+. Fully tested on python 3.5.2.

How to install

  1. Clone or download this repo https://gitlab.com/3mp3ri0r/cpybca.git.
  2. Move this entire project to your project's directory.

How to use

  1. Import cpybca to your project by doing this :python:from cpybca.bca import Bca.
  2. Initiate connection to BCA API server by doing this :python:bca = BCA('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET', 'YOUR_BCA_HOST').
  3. Sign in to BCA API server by doing this :python:bca.sign_in('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET').
  4. Do action you want by calling :python:Bca function.

Get balance

You can get account balance by doing this:

.. code-block:: python

bca.get_balance('CORPORATE_ID', 'ACCOUNT_NUMBER')

You can get multiple account balance by doing this:

.. code-block:: python


Get statement

You can get account statement or history transaction by doing this:

.. code-block:: python



  1. :code:START_DATE and :code:END_DATE use :code:yyyy-MM-dd format.
  2. Maximum date to get from start to end is 31 day.

Transfer fund

You can get account statement or history transaction by doing this:

.. code-block:: python



  1. :code:BENEFICIARY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER is account number you want to receive money.
  2. :code:TRANSACTION_ID is number of transfer you do on the following day.
  3. :code:TRANSACTION_DATE is date you do transfer in :code:yyyy-MM-dd format.
  4. :code:REFERENCE_ID is your reference code. It can contain combination of string and numeric. Example: :code:1234/DP/2017
  5. :code:AMOUNT is number of amount you want to send in :code:string format. Example: :code:'1000000.00'
  6. :code:REMARK1 and :code:REMARK2 is notes you want to send to receiver. It is not mandatory so you can remove this.

How to contribute

Just create an issue_ when you encounter any problem.

.. _cpybca: https://gitlab.com/3mp3ri0r/cpybca .. _issue: https://gitlab.com/3mp3ri0r/cpybca/issues