@thomthom Did you get the file I sent? The label still says "Needs more info", I want to get you a reproducible example if that one did not work. This...
SketchUp crashes a lot during 'Generate Scene Thumbnails'. I never use Thumbnails and need a way to set the "Redefine thumbnail on save".
ISS-0290 SU Generate Scene Thumbnail Crash
I try to only put API related issues on the Github API issue tracker. My Crashing issue is not API related. Right now my only workaround is to go back...
@ackarkka Is this up for discussion yet?
Lets start with this example. Why is there no results with the Search Criteria perfectly matching the case sensitive "Extension Menu Text"
```ruby i = UI::Command.new("Pipe on Axis") { self.pipe_on_axis } i.menu_text = "Pipe on Axis" i.tooltip = "Put all selected Pipe on Axis." m.add_item i ```
Thanks for reviewing my issue. Sorry I simplified the method I used to illustrate the issue incorrectly. I am trying to use save a layout file not export a pdf....
Thom Thom I just send the exact code, files and a screen capture to [email protected]. It is under "request 2949"