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Inconsistency in quaternion to roll, pitch, yaw conversion and vice versa in InterpolatedMovingPlatform
The problem
I noticed that roll and pitch angles are swapped in the trajectory output compared to the trajectory input converted by using RotationSpec::ARINC_705 in InterpolatedMovingPlatform::InterpolatedMovingPlatform
How to reproduce Add the following log lines to InterpolatedMovingPlatform::InterpolatedMovingPlatform() and use an interpolated trajectory.
case InterpolationScope::POSITION_AND_ATTITUDE:
doStepUpdates = [&] (double const t) -> void{
arma::Col<double> const x = tf->eval(t); //roll,pitch,yaw,x,y,z
auto q = calcAttitude(x);
double r, p, y;
_getRollPitchYaw(r, p, y, q);
stringstream ss;
ss << "t = " << t << "\nroll, pitch, yaw = " << x[0] * 180 / M_PI << ", " << x[1] * 180 / M_PI << ", " << x[2] * 180 / M_PI << "\n" <<
"q = " << q << "\n" <<
"roll, pitch, yaw = " << r * 180 / M_PI << ", " << p * 180 / M_PI << ", " << y * 180 / M_PI;
setPosition(glm::dvec3(x[3], x[4], x[5]));
This produces the following log lines in my case: roll, pitch, yaw = -0.551372, -4.36025, 91.3625 q = [0.698005, 0.0300172, -0.0238576, 0.715066] roll, pitch, yaw = -4.36025, -0.551372, 91.3625
If necessary, provide simulation XML files, XML code snippets or pyhelios code snippets. I assume that the bug can be reproduced using any configuration. Just make sure to use an external trajectory.
Your environment (please complete the following information):
- OS: Windows 11
- HELIOS++/pyhelios version (or Git revision) that exhibits the issue 1.3.0
Ideas for possible solutions (Optional) It seems that the roll, pitch, yaw angle conversion to quaternion using RotationSpec::ARINC_705 is incosistent with the quaternion to Euler ZYX conversion.