helios copied to clipboard
Revision of tests needed
- Most tests can not be run if
is executed from outside the root directory (e.g. from the "run"-subfolder in the precompiled release):
WARNING! You might not be inside helios-plusplus root directory.
This might cause tests to fail.
TEST Randomness generation test [PASSED]
TEST Noise sources test [PASSED]
- [x] Adapt the tests to also work if
is called from a folder within the root directory.
- Since a recent bug fix of platform rotations, the "Platform physics test" is failing.
- [x] Revise the platform physics test.
Both requests have been satisfied. Please close this issue once you have confirmed everything works as expected. Otherwise, just let me know what stills failing
Hello @han16nah, I just downloaded the current version (https://github.com/3dgeo-heidelberg/helios/releases/download/v1.0.8/helios-plusplus-win.zip) ans still do get the message:
D:\Users\user\Downloads\helios-plusplus-win\run>helios --test
WARNING! You might not be inside helios-plusplus root directory.
This might cause tests to fail.
Please, change to helios-plusplus root directory.
Alternatively, specify path to directory containing required test files with:
Current test files directory is: "data/test/"
TEST Randomness generation test [PASSED] TEST Noise sources test [PASSED]
Hi @thomasTUK
can you try navigating to the HELIOS++ root directory (in your case one directory up to "D:\Users\user\Downloads\helios-plusplus-win"; just type cd ..
and then run the tests from there with:
run\helios --test
Please let me know if you can now run the tests.
Ah... Understood. Worked fine for me! Still got the warning:
D:\Users\user\Downloads\helios-plusplus-win> run\helios --test
WARNING! You might not be inside helios-plusplus root directory.
This might cause tests to fail.
Please, change to helios-plusplus root directory.
Alternatively, specify path to directory containing required test files with:
Current test files directory is: "data/test/"
TEST Randomness generation test [PASSED] TEST Noise sources test [PASSED] TEST Voxel parsing test [PASSED] TEST Ray intersection test [PASSED] TEST Serialization test [PASSED] TEST Survey copy test [PASSED] TEST Plane fitter test [PASSED] TEST LadLut test [PASSED] TEST Platform physics test [PASSED] TEST Scene part split test [PASSED]
Okay, interesting. So good news is that your tests passed and you can use HELIOS++ (make sure to always call it from the root directory, not from the run directory).
@albertoesmp or @miguelyermo-heidelberg Can we fix the WARNING message? It seems to be printed in the latest version(s) even though the user is indeed inside the helios-plusplus root directory. What is tested for before printing the warning? For the specific name of the helios root directory (it may be called "helios", "helios-plusplus-win", "helios-plusplus-lin" etc.?). Or rather for other files or folders that are expected to be located in the root directory? I guess the latter would be more optimal (?)
Okay, interesting. So good news is that your tests passed and you can use HELIOS++ (make sure to always call it from the root directory, not from the run directory).
@albertoesmp or @miguelyermo-heidelberg Can we fix the WARNING message? It seems to be printed in the latest version(s) even though the user is indeed inside the helios-plusplus root directory. What is tested for before printing the warning? For the specific name of the helios root directory (it may be called "helios", "helios-plusplus-win", "helios-plusplus-lin" etc.?). Or rather for other files or folders that are expected to be located in the root directory? I guess the latter would be more optimal (?)
I've already implemented a fix for this. Required test files are explicitly checked beforehand and warning is shown if and only if they cannot be accessed. Notwithstanding, this update comes bundled with a bigger one so merging will take a while.
Thanks a lot for reporting!