tg_history_dumper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tg_history_dumper copied to clipboard

Exports messages and media from Telegram dialogs, groups and channels

Attention! with update to layer 167, JSON output format got some important changes, check them out.

Telegram History Dumper


Exports messages (as JSON) and media from specified dialogs, groups and channels.

It gets only new (after already fetched) messages and resumes file downloads (if interrupted).

It works as a Telegram client. So yes, you will have to enter you phone, confirmation code and password (if any).

It will not fetch channel comments. If you need them, you should join channel's dicussion group.


go install
tg_history_dumper [args]


git clone
cd tg_history_dumper
go build
./tg_history_dumper [args]



app_id and app_hash must be obtained from Telegram. More info at


tg_history_dumper -app-id=12345 -app-hash=abcdefg

It will ask credentials, save session to tg.session file and download all dialogs (without media) to history folder.

Config read from config.json, different file may be provided via -config argument.


    "app_id": 12345,
    "app_hash": "abcdefg",
    "socks5_proxy_addr": "",
    "socks5_proxy_user": "hackyhack",
    "socks5_proxy_password": "passw0rd",
    "request_interval_ms": 1000,
    "session_file_path": "tg.session",
    "out_dir_path": "history",
    "history": [
        {"exclude": {"type": "channel"}},
        {"username": "my_channel"}
    "stories": "none",
    "media": [
        {"type": "user"},
        {"username": "my_channel"}
    "history_limit": {
        "5000": [
            {"exclude": {"type": "user"}}
    "dump_account": "off",
    "dump_contacts": "off",
    "dump_sessions": "off"
  • app_id and app_hash — see preparing;
  • socks5_proxy_addr — (optional) address:post of SOCKS5 proxy;
  • socks5_proxy_user — (optional) username for SOCKS5 proxy (if auth is required);
  • socks5_proxy_password — (optional) password for SOCKS5 proxy (if auth is required);
  • request_interval_ms — (optional, default is 1000) interval for requesting history message chunks (may be decreased, though it likely will not speed up the process, since TG has query rate limits);
  • session_file_path — (optional, default is tg.session) session file location (you will not have to login next time if it is present);
  • out_dir_path — (optional, default is history) folder for saved messages and media;
  • history — (optional, default is {"type": "user"}) chat filtering rules;
  • stories — (optional, default is "none") stories filtering rules;
  • media — (optional, default is "none") chat media filtering rules, only applies to chats matched to history rules and to stories matched to stories rules;
  • history_limit — (optional, default is {}) new chat history limiting rules;
  • dump_account — (optional, default is "off", use "write" to enable dump) dumps basic account information to file, does not apply when -list-chats enabled;
  • dump_contacts — (optional, default is "off", use "write" to enable dump) dumps contacts information to file, does not apply when -list-chats enabled;
  • dump_sessions — (optional, default is "off", use "write" to enable dump) dumps active sessions to file, does not apply when -list-chats enabled.

If config has non-empty app_id and app_hash, dump may be updated just with tg_history_dumper (without arguments).


Currently, stories are saved from user's/channel's public "posts" tab and (if accessible) from stories archive. Recent stories with the "Post to My Profile" switch turned off will not be saved.

Stories dumping is relatively slow, so there is a -skip-stories flag to bypass stories saving as if config.stories was set to "none".

History limits do not affect stories.

History limits

Limits define how many messages will be dumped for chats for the first time. They are configured as limit_count:rules. If chat matches more than one rule, the lower limit is applied. If chat does not match any rules, all messages are dumped. If there are already some messages from previous dump for the chat, its limits are ignored.

For example, this config sets limit to 5000 for groups, 10000 for channels, dialogs remain unlimited:

"history_limit": {
    "5000": {"type": "group"},
    "10000": {"type": "channel"}


Rules used to accept/reject specific chats (or media in these chats). Chat/file is accepted if it matches to some rules and not later excluded by others. Everything is rejected by default.

For example, this rule accepts only dialogs:

"history": {"type": "user"}

Accepts all chats except channels:

"history": [
    {"exclude": {"type": "channel"}}

Accepts all media from dialogs and group chats but group media size is limited to 500 MiB:

"media": [
    {"type": "user"},
    {"type": "group", "media_max_size": "500M"}

Accepts all media from dialogs and two groups, groups media size is limited to 500 MiB:

"media": [
    {"type": "user"},
    {"only": [
        {"title": "Group A"},
        {"title": "Group B"},
    ], "with": {"media_max_size": "500M"}}

only-rule may be rewritten as:

{"title": "Group A", "media_max_size": "500M"},
{"title": "Group B", "media_max_size": "500M"}

Attributes rule

    "id": 123,
    "title": "Name",
    "username": "uname",
    "type": "user",
    "media_max_size": "500M"

Matches chat/file by all provided attributes.

  • id can be obtained from chats list;
  • title for users is "FirstName LastName";
  • type may be "user", "group" or "channel";
  • media_max_size is only used in and must be in form "500M", "500K" or "500" (for bytes).

Exclude rule

{"exclude": "inner rule"}

Excludes chats/files from match even if they matched some previous rule.

List rule

["rule0", "rule1", "more rules"]

Applies inner rules one by one.

Only rule

{"only": "only-rule", "with": "with-rule"}

Tries with-rule only if only-rule matched.

All rule


Matches everything.

None rule


Matches nothing.

Listing chats

tg_history_dumper -list-chats

Outputs chats in format <type> <id> <limit> <title> (<username>). Title for users is FirstName LastName. If chat does not match config.history rules, the line is grayed out.


Some arguments override values from config. For example -chat='Some Chat' may be used to override config.history and update messages only from Some Chat.

$ tg_history_dumper --help
Usage of tg_history_dumper:
  -app-hash string
        app hash
  -app-id int
        app id
  -chat string
        title of the chat to dump, overrides config.history
  -config string
        path to config file (default "config.json")
        show debug log messages
        show debug TGClient log messages
  -dump-account string
        enable basic user information dump, use 'write' to enable dump, overrides config.dump_account
  -dump-contacts string
        enable contacts dump, use 'write' to enable dump, overrides config.dump_contacts
  -dump-sessions string
        enable active sessions dump, use 'write' to enable dump, overrides config.dump_sessions
        list all available chats, do not dump anything
        logout and remove session file, do not dump anything
  -out string
        output directory path, overrides config.out_dir_path
  -preview-http string
        HTTP service address to browse through the dump
  -session string
        session file path, overrides config.session_file_path
        do not dump sotries, overrides config.stories
  -socks5 string
        socks5 proxy address:port, overrides config.socks5_proxy_addr
  -socks5-password string
        socks5 proxy password, overrides config.socks5_proxy_password
  -socks5-user string
        socks5 proxy username, overrides config.socks5_proxy_user



All messages are saved as JSON Lines (aka jsonl) to file history/<id>_<title>. Dumper searches directories only by id and renames folder when title is changed.

Each JSON object has special field "_" with type name. Outermost objects has one more special field "_TL_LAYER" with layer number (API version). For example:

{"Date":1601491406,"Message":"Hello World!","PeerID":{"ChannelID":1261507434,"_":"TL_peerChannel"},"_":"TL_message","_TL_LAYER":119}

(some message fields were removed for readability)


Related users and chats (aka peers) are saved to history/users and history/chats respectively. Each file is JSON Lines with some basic user/chat data like id, usrname, first/lastname, title, etc.

Lines are added not only when new peer is encountered but also when existing peer data (title for example) has changed compared to previous dump. So same users/chats may appear multiple times there. The last record for each id is the most recent one.

This applies only to users/chats own fields (name, phone, etc.). History messages are saved only once, edit/deletion is not detected.