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transcripts and captions for 3blue1brown videos
**Original** Organize all of the activations from one layer into a column as a vector. **Time**: 821.38 - 820.52 **Line** Entry # 97 Line # ~779 **Describe the issue** The...
Missing description file
Missing captions file
Missing title file
Missing captions file
**Original** Also in playing this game of finding nearest neighbors, I was pleased to see how close Kat was to both beast and monster. **Time**: 987.35 - 993.85 **Line** Entry...
Why is Polish missing in many folders? I wanted to contribute, but to no avail...
Missing title file
**Original** df. **Translation**: df. **Time**: 114.26 - 114.7 **Line** Entry # 10 Line # ~83 **the corresponding delta has no reason to be in capital, wether it is in French...
**Original** But once you have a prediction model like this, a simple thing you **generate a longer** piece of text is to give it an initial snippet to work with,...