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Some related info
Your article reminded me of something. Once many years ago i ínvented 'prime pyramids', simple put 1 at the top next row 123 then 45678 and so on, i had a sudden visual insight that it would reveal a pattern, and it sure did, i got overwhelmed by all kinds of people who were into with interest in primes, some long debates too, as to me it was strange that i had this visual thought in flash, but eventually it led lots of discussion as i then 'believed' 1 is prime to ( i kinda still do but that's not the topic), i felt lucky that a half year later people 'discovered' Umlam spiral, so my mailbox flood stopped. essentially though the romans already new that (mod 6) +1 -1 has a high chance of being a prime, for the rest its just the grid we do this on. In my case the pyramids one had rich straight lines.
After the little discovery i was kind of wondered if nature has discovered primes as well, in physics or biologie like ( https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2018/09/patterns-found-in-prime-numbers.html ) after that I mainly wondered if you take a bunch of prime numbers are they ideally a hard problem for compression? ( the entropy of their distribution ) a far fetched topic, though there is information theory too, and i wasn't able to answer that question. If you can answer that, there might be a place for it in physics/math too.